Bring Back a Feature - The Slider for 'broken' Files
Posted: 24 Apr 2008 07:52
0.8.5. If this version was used to access a partially donwloaded emule part file, there was a (optional) warning about the file being broken, an option to try to fix the index so seeking was OK and, whether the file was fixed or not, vlc then tried its best to play it.
When playing the file, the position slider was visible and,
* if the slider was moved, vlc would take some time (read serially?) through the file to (roughly?) the new position and then try to play what it found. If that part of the file was empty/corrupt, it would play nothing and vlc sometimes froze.
* if the slider bar was clicked (left or right of the pointer), vlc would jump (what appeared to be a ) fixed distance through the file in the direction indicated and then proceed as above.
Shortcut keys (Ctrl/Shift+-> also worked)
All this has disappeared in 0.8.6. If the index is broken the warning to fix appears and whether or not the user elects to fix the file, no slider is visible and no movement through the file is possible other than playing the file.
It seems that 0.8.6 might be a little more robust at playing broken/corrupt files but IMHO, the loss of any control for moving through the file is too large a price to pay. Can we please have 0.8.5 behaviour back again please (slider, movement throught the file even thought the index may be broken)
When playing the file, the position slider was visible and,
* if the slider was moved, vlc would take some time (read serially?) through the file to (roughly?) the new position and then try to play what it found. If that part of the file was empty/corrupt, it would play nothing and vlc sometimes froze.
* if the slider bar was clicked (left or right of the pointer), vlc would jump (what appeared to be a ) fixed distance through the file in the direction indicated and then proceed as above.
Shortcut keys (Ctrl/Shift+-> also worked)
All this has disappeared in 0.8.6. If the index is broken the warning to fix appears and whether or not the user elects to fix the file, no slider is visible and no movement through the file is possible other than playing the file.
It seems that 0.8.6 might be a little more robust at playing broken/corrupt files but IMHO, the loss of any control for moving through the file is too large a price to pay. Can we please have 0.8.5 behaviour back again please (slider, movement throught the file even thought the index may be broken)