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Play and Quit

Posted: 12 Mar 2008 06:28
by cableguy
Can we PLEASE get play and quit added to the options?

we have play and stop and play random.
Im using the mac mini as a HTPC, and with dvdpedia which launches vlc to play the dvd. I'd really like vlc to quit after its done playing so it goes back to dvdpedia.

What I've been doing it creating playlists for each and everyone of my dvd's (over 400 of them!!) with the video_ts folder and vlc:quit.

this is very tedious. It would be great to have this happen with the check of a box.

thanks in advance!

Re: Play and Quit

Posted: 18 Mar 2008 06:35
by CloudStalker
I think the next version will have this option.