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Subtitles up/down

Posted: 20 Feb 2008 19:03
by ariedam
Hi, first of all i want to say thanks to all videoLan team for this wonderful work

I don't know if someone has already request for next features about this, but since is very important i will put it here sorry if i repeat someone.

Sooo, since the movies are more and more for over the world and in different languages, the VCL doesn't let to move up and down the subtitles on the screen, because for example we can't move the subtitles down on the screen and when there is another translation embeded in the movie is impossible to read, this option is not important for english people but is important for who is from others countrys :oops: to move the subtitiles to other place to read it well, soooo i let here this feature requests.

Thanks and best regards :mrgreen:

P.S Sorry about the english

Re: Subtitles up/down

Posted: 21 Feb 2008 20:31
by VLC_help