fast seeking with snap to keyframes

Feature requests for VLC.
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fast seeking with snap to keyframes

Postby figgio » 22 Dec 2003 19:52


Since VLC is great software with great developers behind, I wonder if there are plans to implement the same seeking option Virtual Dub has: snap to keyframes! I found this great option only in Virtual Dub. It could be included as an option for CTRL/ALT+arrows, perhaps by calculating the nearest number of keyframes necessary to make a "jump by n seconds": this simple calculation may be done for every clip loaded.

What do you think about?

Thanks for all your efforts!

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Very fast seeking

Postby henno » 03 Feb 2007 15:14

CrystalPlayer is another great player (although it does not support playing DVDs) and also allows to seek ultra-fast (by keyframes).

One thing that keeps me hanging on to Crystal Player is just that. When continuing watching last night's movie, one can just hold down the right arrow key, let the keyframes rapidly fly by and pretty much get the "previously, in this movie" feeling.

It, like VLC, also supports playing broken avis, even without reconstructing the indices, but VLC has generally more success playing very problematic avis and thats why I'm forcing myself to get use to using VLC.

IMHO, VLC has a very crappy seeking. I still haven't found a better way to seek back 5 seconds than switching from full screen to windowed mode and carefully moving the seek slider one or two pixels back... and then switching back to full screen... and then, if I still don't see/hear that I wanted to see or hear, repeating the whole procedure all over again... It's terrible! In CP, it's just one touch of a left-arrow key! :)

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Postby CloudStalker » 03 Feb 2007 20:49

Well to solve you’re seeking problem, you could edit the hotkeys to do this same action in fullscreen,

Go to: “preferences menu” > “Interface” > “Hotkeys settings” then check the “Advanced options” box. Scroll down to where it says: “Very short backwards jump” / “Very short forward jump”. Uncheck the Alt/Ctrl/shift boxes and use the dropdown menu to change the hotkey.

To use the left and right arrows on you’re keyboard, you’ll have to change the “medium backwards jump” and the Medium forward jump by checking one of the alt/ctrl/shift boxes because by default they already use the left and right arrow keys, and these two hotkeys will conflict with the ones that you’ve just set.

Note: if you scroll all the way to the bottom of this menu, you can edit the “very short jump length”.

As soon as you save you’re settings, the action should be applied immediately. (No need to restart the player)

I hope my explanation isn’t too difficult to understand. If you’re still having trouble with this, please report back.

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VLC is not that bad afterall

Postby henno » 04 Feb 2007 22:44


I got a bit more friendlier with VLC now, thanks!

The default controls are OK too, I just didn't know where to look for them. I tried the various jumping keys and I found that seeking was a lot easier.

Nevertheless, the picture didn't catch up to the keypress as fast as in CP because VLC isn't using keyframes. I also wasn't able to use mouse on the OSD seek slider (the one that appears on top of the movie in full screen). Is it even possible?

OFFTOPIC: Another thing that I don't know how to do: loading another subtitles file *while* the movie is playing. In CP, it's just Shift+O and browsing the file. And I miss the recently opened files list.


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Postby wrath » 15 Feb 2007 19:10

Can i set the jump command so i can use it with another key ?

Edit by dionoea: remove link irrelevant to topic. (no spam please)

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Postby CloudStalker » 15 Feb 2007 19:29

You’ll need to go to the preferences menu, and under the “Interface” tab go to the “Hotkey settings”, check the “Advanced options” box, and you’ll be able to adjust which keys affect the jump.

Keep in mind that not all hotkeys will work, and that some other hotkeys may be using the same function; interfering with you’re new settings.

Hope this answered you’re question.

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