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Hide playlist on minimize to tray

Posted: 25 Sep 2007 20:12
by asdufisn

VLC has the ability to hide the main window when double-clicking the system tray icon. This is great. However, the playlist remains visible.

I normally keep my playlist open, as I'm frequently switching between titles and/or do organizing. Would it be possible to also hide the playlist when the main window is hidden?

Best regards

PS: Sorry, if this has been requested before. I've searched the forum and especially the QT4 consolidation thread, but didn't find anything like my request. Feel free to delete my post, if it has already been requested :)

PS2: VLC is great!

Re: Hide playlist on minimize to tray

Posted: 25 Sep 2007 23:00
by CloudStalker
Nope, not requested before but I'm deleting it anyway.

Kidding. :P

Well this could be done if the playlist is embedded into the interface like it is with the QT4 interface but this doesn't work when it's undocked, so this would be practical to add.

Re: Hide playlist on minimize to tray

Posted: 26 Sep 2007 10:40
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
OOps ? :D
Can someone confirm it ?

Re: Hide playlist on minimize to tray

Posted: 26 Sep 2007 11:30
by hfswjyr
I'm using 15th September build on windows XP

VLC open, but in background (behind other windows).

One click on system tray brings VLC to the front.
Second click on system try minimizes VLC to system tray.
Third click brings VLC back to the front.

I'm not sure what asdufisn means...

Re: Hide playlist on minimize to tray

Posted: 26 Sep 2007 11:42
by CloudStalker
Basically what asdufisn is saying is that if you were to undock the playlist from the interface and then try to minimize to the system tray then only the interface would be minimized but not the playlist window. The same happens for me as well.

Re: Hide playlist on minimize to tray

Posted: 26 Sep 2007 11:51
by hfswjyr
Oh! Sorry, I haven't tried that feature for so long that I totally forgot about it.

Same situation for me then.
