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Ability to Fix Window Size

Posted: 13 Aug 2007 05:52
by TheFisherOne
If I have a playlist that features video's of many different resolutions then the size of the window changes with each new video.
When I am playing something like Music Videos from a playlist, then the window size keeps changing.
This is annoying.
Maybe it can be an option for "Fixed Window Size".
This way I can make a window that covers a quarter of the screen, tell it to stay on top, and I can do other things while the video is playing.
Obviously I would want the video to stretch or shrink to fit the fixed window size.

Re: Ability to Fix Window Size

Posted: 13 Aug 2007 08:40
by CloudStalker
Something similar to this has been requested before, no word yet as to it's implementation within VLC.

Re: Ability to Fix Window Size

Posted: 16 Apr 2008 15:49
by hans
This would be a very good feature. Already after starting vlc the window is crippled. The last menu item "Hilfe" (german version) is not in the same line of menu bar but in the next line. I use vlc for a long time. The only thing annoying me is the permanent downsizing to the smallest possible window size.

An automatic saving of the last window size would be very, very useful!

This is a normal default setting, like in winamp or miranda or in almost every tool...

A default option "[x] Keep the window size until next resize" would be perfect, beside the option "[ ] Always downsize window to the smallest possible size".

Vlc should just remember the window-size, as long as the window size is changed to another, no matter if a video or audiofile is played, no matter which size the different videos have or what else can hapen... just keep the window-size.


Re: Ability to Fix Window Size

Posted: 18 Apr 2008 07:13
by mghills
This would be a very good feature. Already after starting vlc the window is crippled. The last menu item "Hilfe" (german version) is not in the same line of menu bar but in the next line. I use vlc for a long time. The only thing annoying me is the permanent downsizing to the smallest possible window size.

An automatic saving of the last window size would be very, very useful!

This is a normal default setting, like in winamp or miranda or in almost every tool...

A default option "[x] Keep the window size until next resize" would be perfect, beside the option "[ ] Always downsize window to the smallest possible size".

Vlc should just remember the window-size, as long as the window size is changed to another, no matter if a video or audiofile is played, no matter which size the different videos have or what else can hapen... just keep the window-size.


Re: Ability to Fix Window Size

Posted: 15 Jun 2008 08:27
by titen
:lol: :lol: I had the same issues with VLC, one of the reasons why i wanted that feature is that i share movies through my messenger mirror webcam (paltalk) so i always make a playlist of movies that i have and share it to my pals while im out or something, sometimes it even takes up to 24 hours, but the resolution always changes the size of the movie after the other one starts. Then through personal research on the program i found this solution. Its in the settings, in fact there is two ways. First, its in preference under video tab (make sure your advance option is checked), you can change the video width and video height your preference using trial and error. Lastly, and i think its a lot better that the first option, it is under the interface tab. Click main interface, and wxWidgets and un-check the "size to video". Now you can just resize your window the way you normally resize them, and it will stay that way no matter what your movie resolution is. you will always see the black bars either the top or the bottom, left and right depending on what your movie's aspect ratio. Nevertheless, enjoy watching with your VLC keeping the same window size.. Comment would be appreciated.

Re: Ability to Fix Window Size

Posted: 16 Jun 2008 23:50
by hans
Wow, It seems that you have really found the solution! Thanks! After I have changed the setting in the interface settings, the VLC-window still changed its size. After restart of VLC the window size was more "stable" but still changed. After the 2nd restart it seems to work! I have zapped to many different videos and the window size remains the same.

It's a challange to find this setting deep in the advanced options but you did it. Thanks a lot!

Now VLC has (almost) all basic features which a media player must have. Maybe we find some more... ;-)

Re: Ability to Fix Window Size

Posted: 17 Jun 2008 04:57
by CloudStalker
Now VLC has (almost) all basic features which a media player must have. Maybe we find some more... ;-)
The nightlies have more features, if you don't mind some bug during testing.

Re: Ability to Fix Window Size

Posted: 02 Jul 2008 00:06
by alan1974us
Dang, I got it kind of working. The screen flickers between videos and the window pop's up all over the place. lol Anyone have any sticky tape so I can put it in one place?? :)

Re: Ability to Fix Window Size

Posted: 02 Jul 2008 09:15
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Lol. I will work on that.
Make a bug request.

Re: Ability to Fix Window Size

Posted: 14 Oct 2008 21:40
by jagman55
I tried what Titen said to FIX THE WINDOW SIZE but my preference doesn't look like that. I can get to Main Interface but but there is no wxWidgets OR option for: "size to video". Under Main Interface there is only HTTP,QT,RC,Skins.

First, its in preference under video tab (make sure your advance option is checked), you can change the video width and video height your preference using trial and error.[/color]

There is no width or height, there is only: SHOW video title for x milliseconds.

Maybe I am not using the same VLC as you guys.

Here is what I have:VLC Media Player: 0.9.0-svn-20080125-0000 Grishenko

(c( 1996-2008 - the VideoLan Team.

Please tell me what is wrong as I love the VLC and the changing of the window size to small EVERY time is driving me up the wall.


Re: Ability to Fix Window Size

Posted: 15 Oct 2008 13:37
by VLC_help
There is no wxWidgets in 0.9.x, it is replaced by QT4.

And update to to 0.9.4
and scroll down

Re: Ability to Fix Window Size

Posted: 23 Oct 2008 07:29
by hschulze
On a larger screen, DVD or fractional DVD files need 2x zoom or more. Is there a not-so-painful way to get a sticky zoom for the current file, i.e. remember zoom until you change files?
Looping a video file has the same problem, zoom it, and it goes back to 1x when it starts over. Best would be to remember the zoom or window size for each item in the playlist, if the user changed it.
Thanks for a cool software. If I had a truckload of g5's I would send em to you :)

Re: Ability to Fix Window Size

Posted: 18 Jul 2010 20:41
by donaldtroll
so... 2 years down the line and there still is no way for this to be done amirite?

or is it possible now to make vlc remember window size between different files played?

Re: Ability to Fix Window Size

Posted: 19 Jul 2010 11:39
by VLC_help
There is a "no resize" option if you want to keep window at same size all the time.

Re: Ability to Fix Window Size

Posted: 20 Jul 2010 11:18
by garlantinapple
The only thing annoying me is the permanent downsizing to the smallest possible window size.

Re: Ability to Fix Window Size

Posted: 20 Jul 2010 15:57
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
The only thing annoying me is the permanent downsizing to the smallest possible window size.
Use the "no reisze" option.

Re: Ability to Fix Window Size

Posted: 27 Jul 2010 21:08
by irzyxel
Preferences -> all -> Interface -> Main interfaces -> Qt -> disable "resize interface to native video size"

this really should be renamed to something more obvious AND it should be disabled by default !!!

Re: Ability to Fix Window Size

Posted: 27 Jul 2010 22:18
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
It is on the FIRST preferences page with a simpler name.

Re: Ability to Fix Window Size

Posted: 27 Jul 2010 22:33
by irzyxel
sorry, but i dont see anything named "no resize". where exactly is it ?

Re: Ability to Fix Window Size

Posted: 27 Jul 2010 22:35
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Preferences-> Resize Inteface to video size

Re: Ability to Fix Window Size

Posted: 25 Feb 2011 00:15
by pepo.k
Preferences-> Resize Inteface to video size
Hi j-b and other vlc guru's

Have you tried to reproduce exactly the same as decribed in first post?
Because I have set all the settings as you said BUT there is still the problem with resizing of the window while playing diferent clips from playlist...

I can send you my conf file if You dont trust me.
Or better... you can post your config file somewhere...

Kind regards


Re: Ability to Fix Window Size

Posted: 19 Apr 2011 03:17
by captiancrunch
If u r running VLC on a Mac OS X there is no way to do this?

i, like several folks have searched on these forums ( Mac Forum included ) and on the web 4ever looking 4 an answer as to how to go about this if it can indeed b done...some people say it can and some say it cannot...

it seems that the feature of simply " Preferences-> Resize Inteface to video size " is not an option on any of the VLC players for the VCL, it's the best...but i, like so many have several diff files with several diff resolutions and would love 2 set a default player size and b able 2 watch both 4:3 and 16:9 in one size fits all window without it changing size from file 2 file...

can this b done running on a Mac OS X with the latest VCL Version 1.1.9...and if so, could any1 detail us through it once 4 all?

thank u in advance!

Re: Ability to Fix Window Size

Posted: 01 May 2011 10:15
by RickAf
Hi Jean-Baptiste

Is there a difference between the MAC OS version and the Windows version. I cannot seem to find the setting you mention in this post regarding Fixed window size?

"Preferences-> Resize Inteface to video size"

I have looked in the preferenced under both Basic and All options - but I can't seem to find it - unless it is named differently on the MAC? I am running MAC version 1.1.9

Kind Regards
Rick Afonso
Cape Town
South Africa

Re: Ability to Fix Window Size

Posted: 02 May 2011 15:54
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Yes, Win32 and OSX don't look/appear the same.

Re: Ability to Fix Window Size

Posted: 03 May 2011 12:15
by RickAf
Hi Jean-Baptiste

Ok, so they are different, how do we set the Mac version to retain the same window size?
Where is the setting?

Kind Regards