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Crossfader in VLC

Posted: 06 Aug 2007 20:42
by MT

What do you think of a crossfader between MP3s. Like in Winamp you can set a fading time between songs.
Maybe its possible to put a control button to the interface. So some skins can use of it.

That would be a nice feature....


Re: Crossfader in VLC

Posted: 06 Aug 2007 20:57
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
This is a bit more complicated than a skin or interface feature since the core doesn't support gapless music already.

Re: Crossfader in VLC

Posted: 09 Aug 2007 17:56
by kasparhansen
a crossfader between video would be cool :)

Re: Crossfader in VLC

Posted: 09 Aug 2007 20:35
by CloudStalker
Yes it would be cool, but the entire core of VLC would have to be rewritten to support the feature, that's not an easy job at all, so I hear.

I remember this was requested a long time ago, got the same answer then too.

Re: Crossfader in VLC

Posted: 11 Aug 2007 15:44
by citizenkeys
It seems to me that a problem with adding new features (or letting plugin developers write their own features!) is that so much is written straight into the VLC core.

This should be fixed because VLC could really benefit and take less work from the main developers by letting add-on developers write their own plugin modules.

Re: Crossfader in VLC

Posted: 11 Aug 2007 15:48
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Well, a lot of the new features can be add-ons, but a few ones are in the core, especially Subtitles in the Vout and non-gapless transitions.
Most of the other are filters that can be added.

For this feature, you can make a crossfader in VLC for audio quite easily, but you can't make gapless sound in VLC.

Re: Crossfader in VLC

Posted: 12 Aug 2007 07:19
by DGMurdockIII
i would like a crossfader in vlc as well

Re: Crossfader in VLC

Posted: 02 Sep 2008 16:34
by Yo!Han
How can I crossfade in VLC ??

Re: Crossfader in VLC

Posted: 02 Sep 2008 18:34
by dionoea
How can I crossfade in VLC ??
Hum, did you read the previous posts?

Re: Crossfader in VLC

Posted: 06 Aug 2010 20:15
by nodiscc
hello all, (not so) sorry to dig out an old thread.
is there any hope for a crossfade option in vlc?
just a question

Re: Crossfader in VLC

Posted: 07 Aug 2010 16:15
by VLC_help
AFAIK the situation is still same.