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better subtitle display

Posted: 11 Jul 2007 02:49
by kevkid
like when u play subtitles on vlc (.ass or a couple others) it looks terrable i hope that vlc incorperates this, also i hope it incorporates some things from kmplayer (this is because i hate to switch players) like the sound filters and video filters :D

Re: better subtitle display

Posted: 11 Jul 2007 04:37
by CloudStalker
We'll see about subtitles in 0.9.0. If you want you could try a nightly build and checkout some of the filters and improvements to subtitles that have been made.

Re: better subtitle display

Posted: 11 Jul 2007 10:01
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
There are great improvements on subtitles in 0.9.0 and a project to implement the whole A.S.S/SSA specification in VLC for future versions.

Re: better subtitle display

Posted: 13 Jul 2007 22:24
by Axio
Great news !

The project to implement A.S.S/ SSA (from google summer code) will be implemented in 0.9.0 ?

Re: better subtitle display

Posted: 13 Jul 2007 22:40
by kevkid
im just wondereing is there be a release date for version .90????? cuz im really looking forward to it

Re: better subtitle display

Posted: 15 Jul 2007 07:34
by Evil_Chris
Could future versions of VLC render text at the native screen resolution, and not the resolution of the movie? Also, I notice that sometimes the second or third line of a subtitle will only be a word or two long, presumably because there wasn't enough room on screen to display the whole previous line. Then, after that, there was a manual return in the subtitle text, and the output winds up having more lines than it needs to and taking up half the screen.

Like this:

Oh, no, Harry! Snape will steal the Philosopher's
We can't let him!<return>

Could you make an option in the subtitle preferences to replace just such a "<return>" with a simple space if a line is too long to fit on screen?

Like this:

Oh, no, Harry! Snape will steal the Philosopher's
Stone! We can't let him!<return>

Re: better subtitle display

Posted: 16 Jul 2007 18:16
by MadlyMad
While i truly agree with you on subtitles resolution based on screen and not on movie res,
I really do think VLC should not touch anything on a subtitles (well, nothing more than now, at least),
just to correct some bad made subs,

you can use Subtitles Workshop (on Windows) to prevent this behavior (SW can quickly show you too long lines...)

Re: better subtitle display

Posted: 17 Jul 2007 18:45
by dionoea
im just wondereing is there be a release date for version .90????? cuz im really looking forward to it
We never announce any release date ... hopefully sometime by the end of the year.

Re: better subtitle display

Posted: 18 Jul 2007 06:17
by kevkid
yay!!!!!! its coming soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (i hope)

Re: better subtitle display

Posted: 19 Jul 2007 20:42
by joseph5
We never announce any release date ...
Are you sure? :wink:

Re: better subtitle display

Posted: 19 Jul 2007 23:04
by dionoea
We never announce any release date ...
Are you sure? :wink:
Well if we do we always end up being wrong :) (All items on that roadmap are already late ... and we're far from having any done)

Re: better subtitle display

Posted: 22 Jul 2007 02:57
by MadlyMad
just forgot to say about stuff displayed based on video res.

there is subtitles, but the case is for timestamp bar and playtime

when playing a very high video resolution, thoses will be very very small, and when the video is a very very low res, thoses will appears very Huge !


Re: better subtitle display

Posted: 09 Aug 2007 03:08
by Dandel
I also agree with this on various reasons, although i do have other things on top of this to note, which is as follows.

1) when the location is not specified properly the SSA subtitles render in the middle of the screen which seems to be wrong behavior.... they should instead render in the bottom of the screen, and also it seems that it does not handle the specified fonts properly... i'd be happy if it at least handled the positioning right and i could care less about the font.

2) the general font size is improper, and too small.

3) in my experience when dealing with SSA files i keep getting unhandled exception errors upon playback on windows ( i need debug bins to test this one out )

note: these observations about SSA where done when i compared it to the following applications.
1) Aegisub - Subtitle editor for windows that is currently being updated for linux/mac/freebsd.
2) mplayer ( as best i can on windows, but it also shows this tendency.. )
3) windows media player classic ( uses VSFilter just like Aegisub. )

i decided to look at how the files are handled in general on how the file is rendered, and it uses values 1 to 9, with 2 as the default for alignment, for a quick visual, look at the below to get a better idea... and for some more info on the spec please look at the wikipedia page over SubStation Alphathis.

Code: Select all

+-+-+-+ |1|2|3| +-+-+-+ |4|5|6| +-+-+-+ |7|8|9| +-+-+-+

Re: better subtitle display

Posted: 09 Aug 2007 09:29
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
For the tenth time:
We are working on a whole new SSA/ASS renderer. SSA are not correctly displayed in VLC but should be for future versions.

Re: better subtitle display

Posted: 21 Sep 2008 09:37
by kiri
Subtitle Unicode support?

First of all - Sub's at 0.9.2 looks much better.
There is just one catch. I have a subtitle file (Unicode utf-8) with an English sub showing additional Japanese chars at karaoke parts.
Instead of these Japanese chars VLC show me only rectangles.

Re: better subtitle display

Posted: 21 Sep 2008 13:35
by MadlyMad
It means you don't the Japoneses characters installed on your OS, if you install them, you'll have beautiful kanjis instead.
just forgot to say about stuff displayed based on video res.

there is subtitles, but the case is for timestamp bar and playtime

when playing a very high video resolution, thoses will be very very small, and when the video is a very very low res, thoses will appears very Huge !

didn't test this yet on 0.9.2, will probably test this today.

Re: better subtitle display

Posted: 21 Sep 2008 14:04
by kiri
It means you don't the Japoneses characters installed on your OS, if you install them, you'll have beautiful kanjis instead.
Don't think so.
1. If I am simply open the Aegisub file in Notepad i see the kanjis.
2. No problem to type kanjis myself (over Microsoft IME keyboard emu.).
3. I use Vista Ultimate and can switch the whole Vista GUI to Japanese (not yet tested to play the video while in Japanese Vista).

Re: better subtitle display

Posted: 21 Sep 2008 16:58
by MadlyMad
'key, my bad.

About Subtitle / Time Display and volume bar display size, considering the resolution, the bug is fixed, works perfectly, Thanks a lot :wink:

Re: better subtitle display

Posted: 21 Sep 2008 20:51
by kiri
Even in fully Japanised Vista and VLC it looks like this:

Re: better subtitle display

Posted: 21 Sep 2008 22:06
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Your font is not unicode.

Re: better subtitle display

Posted: 21 Sep 2008 23:42
by kiri
Your font is not unicode.
I don't know the font VLC uses.

The Aegisub file set the font to Arial

Code: Select all

... Format: Name, Fontname, Fontsize, PrimaryColour, SecondaryColour, OutlineColour, BackColour, Bold, Italic, Underline, StrikeOut, ScaleX, ScaleY, Spacing, Angle, BorderStyle, Outline, Shadow, Alignment, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Encoding Style: Default,Arial,28,&H00EEEFF9,&H000000FF,&H00451715,&H00000000,0,0,0,0,100,100,0,0,1,2,0,2,10,10,10,0 Style: lyricsE,Arial,28,&H00ECF4FB,&HF0000000,&H000E5388,&HF0000000,0,0,0,0,100,100,0,0,1,1,0,2,30,30,10,1 Style: lyricsJ,Arial,28,&H00ECF4FB,&HF0000000,&H000E5388,&HF0000000,0,0,0,0,100,100,0,0,1,1,0,8,30,30,10,1 Style: top1,Arial,28,&H00FFFFFF,&HF0000000,&H001F94EB,&HF0000000,0,0,0,0,100,100,0,0,1,1,0,8,30,30,10,1 Style: top2,Arial,24,&H00FFFFFF,&HF0000000,&H00A74D42,&HF0000000,0,-1,0,0,100,100,0,0,1,1,0,8,30,30,10,1 ....
And the Notepad font, showing in the picture of my last post, is set to Arial (or Notepad lies)
very strange.

Ok i try to replace Arial with MS Mincho (font Word uses when writing Kanji) tomorrow
or is it possible to set a font somewhere deep in VLC Preferences?

Re: better subtitle display

Posted: 22 Sep 2008 14:46
by dionoea
I very much doubt that VLC uses the font set in the subtitles file. (Maybe it will in upcoming versions...)

Re: better subtitle display

Posted: 22 Sep 2008 16:35
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
I very much doubt that VLC uses the font set in the subtitles file. (Maybe it will in upcoming versions...)
Sorry, it does in MKV.

Re: better subtitle display

Posted: 22 Sep 2008 19:38
by kiri
Nothing works. :cry:
Looks like dionoea answer is correct.
Tried many different settings in Aegisub file nothing works even if i replace the name of the font with an Empty string the appearance don't change.
I set Preferences->Subtitle and OSD->Display Settings->Font to "C:/Windows/Fonts/ARIALUNI.TTF" (Arial Unicode MS Standard), and Others, nothing changes (maybe OSD only setting?).
I think this looks like VLC uses by default some none Unicode font! :shock:
Sorry, it does in MKV.
This subtitle is not at an MKV stream, i open it as an external Subtitle file.
If it does in MKV, should i try to merge the Subtitle into the MKV file?

Re: better subtitle display

Posted: 22 Sep 2008 21:43
by dionoea
I very much doubt that VLC uses the font set in the subtitles file. (Maybe it will in upcoming versions...)
Sorry, it does in MKV.
Subs in MKV aren't subtitles files :)