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Remember playback positions

Posted: 10 Mar 2007 17:33
by evenprimes
Hello all!

One thing I'd like to see is for VLC to remember playback positions based on filenames. Expected behaviors:

1. If I quit VLC while watching a video it will remember where I left it and if I start VLC (not by 2xclicking a video, but just start the program) it should prompt me if I want to continue watching the last video where I left off.

2. Whenever I stop watching a video, VLC should remember where that video left off and if I open that video (no matter how I do that) VLC should prompt me if I want to continue where I left off.

3. When I make it to the end of a video the bookmark should be deleted.

4. I should at least have the option of clearing the list from a menu item and ideally I should be able to selectively remove videos from that list.


PS: VLC just rocks on Mac OS X. Thank you guys very much for making this work cross platform! :D

Posted: 30 Mar 2007 19:32
by simonwilliams
Yes agree with all of the above, would really like to see some implementation of bookmarks into videolan, I know there already there but they don't seem to work when you have quit the programme.

Other than this videolan is darn near perfect. :)

Posted: 25 Apr 2007 04:48
by axel1973
i love that idea. would make it more intuitive and friendlier to users. why not ?

Posted: 22 Jun 2007 11:59
by detlefvonberg
I fourth that--would be a great feature.

Re: Remember playback positions

Posted: 16 Jul 2007 14:07
by t00ms
Great idea, BSPlayer already does it and it's sooo convenient (that's the main reason why I use BSPlayer more often than VLC, and it's actually the ONLY reason).
- The bookmarks you create inside a movie for exemple (using the bookmark tool) should also be stored in a file to remember the bookmarks even after you close VLC.
- You should be able to assign a keyboard shortcut for creating AND accessing a bookmark while reading the (video) file.
- The bookmarks should be assigned to the file based on the (video) file extension + the file size + media caracteristics (video resolution, codecs used etc...) + approximate file name (so when you rename the file (add the name of the film maker, remove the dots, etc) the bookmarks will still be related to the good file) but not based on the path where the (video) file is stored. We could also think about a way to recognise the video independently to it's filename by storing in the "bookmark file" a couple of bits of the file (from the middle of the file for example, or from the middle+from the end or any combination like that, or anywhere else in the media file to avoid the common headers that would make many files look the same)
- It would also be nice that when you start VLC it would automatically start to read the last media file that was read starting at the time it was left.

Well, that would be soooo nice...