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Correct rendering of MP4 TTEXT subtitles

Posted: 15 Oct 2006 10:24
by Capitán Centollo
Aparently the VideoLan Media Player isn't able to render the empty text chains ("") of a TextSample tag in a TTEXT subtitle muxed into a MP4 container.

This empty chains are used to clean the last shown subtitle at the ending time in this way:

<TextSample sampleTime="ending time" text="">

if they aren't rendered the subtitles stay in the screen until the next subtitle is shown or until the end of the video.

Actually i solve the problem putting a blank space into each empty chain (" ").

Posted: 19 Oct 2006 09:36
by TonyC
Hi Capitán Centollo

I have the same issue and I tried the same trick as you did by putting a blank space into each empty chain. However when I mux the files into a MP4 container using mp4box, the blank space is removed and replaced by an empty chain ("") again.

May I ask how you did the mux, and what muxer did you use?


Posted: 21 Oct 2006 22:33
by Capitán Centollo
I used MP4BOX to Mux with YAMB GUI or meGUI tool MP4Muxer, wich is another MP4Box GUI. To edit the TTEXT file i used the Windows Notepad and saved the file as UTF-8.

Posted: 23 Oct 2006 09:22
by TonyC
Ahh, thanks! I tried to edit the file while it was still in .srt format. Editing it when in .ttxt format did the trick.

Thanks again.