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Aspect Ratio / Cropping

Posted: 27 May 2006 12:43
by Asim
I thought it might be nice if some other Aspect Ratios/Cropping sizes were included:


1.85:1 is most commonly used for most movies... so would be nice if we had that one...

Posted: 27 May 2006 14:36
by dionoea
Custom aspect ratios can be added in the list in the developement version.

hotkey for aspect ration - not only cycle...

Posted: 27 May 2006 19:34
by nw42

Is there a way to call a specific aspect ratios by keyborad shortcut?

If you playback a playlist for a larger audience and the wrong aspect ratio is activated it isn't cool to cycle all possible ratios - would be better to call 4/3 or 16/9 or so on by a specific hotkey or ba a button with only one click or key...

best regards


Posted: 27 May 2006 20:52
by dionoea
That's not possible yet and i doubt that it will ever be. (We can't have a hotkey for every possible action VLC can do ... else we'd have 10000 hotkeys)

Btw, 0.8.6 will also feature 8 new hotkeys to change the numbers of pixels cropped on the left, right, top and bottom of the video live. (this is nice to fine tune the cropping without having to stop/start playback)

hotkey for aspect ration - not only cycle...

Posted: 28 May 2006 13:20
by nw42
Hi dionoea!

first of all: thank You for helping make VLC even more powerful - please take my comments not as complain, but as experience form a special type of VLC user...

Not every user have to assign all hotkeys - complex applications are "skinned" in every aspect - also in case of hotkeys...

if VLC would offer all funktions in a lib with the possibility to assign them if needed to an specific interface we don't had this "is it useful to all users?" discussion.

VLC has already a mighty config system but a "cycle through" call for a list of 10 entries isn't comfortable to use.

I had used BSPlayer in past - and it was entremly important to switch between the most important Aspect Ratios - 4/3 16/9 2/1 to correct playback without interuption.

--> I welcome the new 8 hotkeys for adjust the cropping - but I would like to revise what is most important a) to play a movie with right Aspect Ratio or b) to crop a small black border...

best regards
