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Broken AVI file dialog

Posted: 22 May 2006 16:52
by mikeham
A very trivial request (sorry!) concerning the dialog box which appears when opening incomplete/broken AVI files:

[AVI Index] "This AVI file is broken. Seeking will not work correctly. Do you want to try to repair it (this might take a long time)"?

Yes, the option to repair such files is valuable, but when checking files which are already known to be damaged, it's wearisome to be confronted with the same dialog over and over.

Possible suggestions:

an option in the Settings/Preferences menu, e.g. :

Prompt to fix broken AVI files
(.) always
( ) never


a "Don't ask me again" dialog box when the first instance occurs

-- Mike

Posted: 22 May 2006 18:06
by klumy
I support your idea

VLC Command Line - AVI Index

Posted: 29 Jul 2006 10:03
by Rami
I think VLC should add a command line argument to enable (default)/disable prompting the user for repairng the AVI file.

Posted: 30 Jul 2006 23:01
by Ukrainian User
Please, add this option. It is inconvenient to use.

Posted: 31 Jul 2006 13:45
by zorglub
This option has been added and will appear in 0.8.6

Posted: 13 Aug 2006 06:40
by snix
I've noticed movies with codec DIV3 that played perfectly fine in 0.8.4 display this AVI index error msg in 0.8.5. I've gone back and forth between the two VLC versions to make sure it was consistent, and sure enough 0.8.5 appears have index issues with the DIV3 codec.

In any case, 0.8.4 works much better.

Posted: 15 Aug 2006 22:21
by The DJ
0.8.4 also had index issues, but it just didn't complain about it then, because it couldn't yet.

Try searching in the particular file. You will notice it will not be "instant", but will instead "scroll" trough the file untill it has reached the new position.

Posted: 16 Aug 2006 01:39
by snix
I'm scanning through a DIV3 file right now in 0.8.4 and it looks instant to me. Same file in 0.8.5 can't be scanned through because VLC thinks it has a broken index. So I have to attribute this to a bug in 0.8.5.

Posted: 20 Aug 2006 01:20
by zorglub
Could you see if VLC shows a length for this file (0.8.4). Also, please have a look at the log, and see if something like "broken index" appears.

Posted: 15 Sep 2006 21:14
by djbat
Ahh, I see my question of defaulting this to "YES" is answered here yet is there a release date for 0.8.6? It's been well over a month since 0.8.6 was hinted at to fix this.

Posted: 24 Sep 2006 18:21
When this error message pops up, does this actually mean that the file is broken?? Or is VLC just complaining?


Posted: 24 Sep 2006 18:44
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Yep, it means it is actually broken.

No it DOESN'T necessarily mean the file is 'broken'

Posted: 27 Oct 2006 00:13
by ChetaMorton
I was running videolan 0.8.1 and it worked fine, including allowing me to use a preview function in my downloading program (as long as I had the beginning of the file) to check the viewability and language of a file before letting it download all the way.

To properly view a file encoded with 264 I 'upgraded' to 0.8.5 and now, for a file that five minutes ago I could view and hear just fine with 0.8.1 I get that broken avi message How do I stop this message and MOST IMPORTANT get back previewability - short of deleting 8.5 and (hopefully) reloading 8.1?

Clearly the file hasn't changed, just vlc. Very Important issue! Thanks Cheta

Posted: 28 Oct 2006 22:14
by VLC_help
Try 0.8.6 test1

Broken AVI file dialog

Posted: 22 Jun 2007 15:10
by mikeham
> Mon Jul 31, 2006 11:45 am
> This option has been added and will appear in 0.8.6

And indeed it was - a bit hard to find, but see

viewtopic.php?t=36479&view=next&sid=aca ... 795a6aac8c

It's in the menu at (sorry about the code tag, ignore it)

Code: Select all

Settings Preferences Demuxers AVI Force index creation Ask/Always fix/never fix
Many thanks to the developers for their time in implementing this request -


ARTHUR: Yes. It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying "Beware of the Leopard".
---The Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy, Episode 1

Posted: 22 Jun 2007 15:32
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
I think it will be easier to activate in next version.