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raw TCP input

Posted: 28 Apr 2006 14:41
by Guest
It's possible to capture a TS from a TCP port?

I like to like "udp://@:1234" but with a TCP protocol (no HTTP, FTP, or any other session protocol, simply the raw stream).

Any comment?

Posted: 28 Apr 2006 21:51
by The DJ
I know no way to do this. RTP over TCP is the closest i can think of, but that will introduce a substantial overhead.

Posted: 02 May 2006 14:49
by Guest
I know no way to do this...
With TS over UDP you simply are sending packets to the network and receiving in a listening port, without any session protocol in the middle.

For TS over TCP you only need to open a TCP port (not bind to a UDP port) and read over the socket when data arrives. The internal processing will be the same as the UDP.

I'm sure that this is trivial!

Advantages? With an unlimited bandwith you can correct errors (like RTPS over TCP), but without the need of a session control protocol (only the raw stream). Easy for simple testing.

Posted: 03 May 2006 14:12
by The DJ
I'm just saying that there is no standard that supports this.

Posted: 03 May 2006 17:44
by Guest
Yes, is not a standard, but TS-over-UDP is not a really standard!

Why use TS-over-TCP? WiFi connections are not reliable, but TCP is good for retransmisions in networks with high bandwith.

Some programs can receive and/or receive TS-streams over TCP, and not only UDP. Is more simple than RTPS or RTPS-TCP.

I feel that support receive TS-over-TCP is trivial!

Posted: 22 May 2006 20:07
by fenrir
You should already be able to read TS over TCP using:
vlc tcp://ip:port
(You can enforce the TS demuxer using vlc tcp/ts://ip:port)