setting (general) variables with rpn
Posted: 26 Apr 2006 09:27
we have discussed setting variable marq-marquee with rpn function and VLM here:
This question is about usage of rpn:
As I have tested, rpn function are not able to re-set variable marq in already running VLC.
If I try to apply rpn function vlc_var_set on several VLC_OBJECT_X, nothing will happen.
If I set marq-marquee by GUI intf and save preferences, change will manifest only in new VLC instance.
The only working way is run rc intf and set: marq-marquee myTEXT
So my question is: could be rpn function able re-set variables like marq-marquee, time_position,... dynamically in running VLC? I need to change marq-marquee with http intf for different broadcast elements.
Which OBJECT is marq-marquee variable child of? I am not able to find this.
Thank you
we have discussed setting variable marq-marquee with rpn function and VLM here:
This question is about usage of rpn:
As I have tested, rpn function are not able to re-set variable marq in already running VLC.
If I try to apply rpn function vlc_var_set on several VLC_OBJECT_X, nothing will happen.
If I set marq-marquee by GUI intf and save preferences, change will manifest only in new VLC instance.
The only working way is run rc intf and set: marq-marquee myTEXT
So my question is: could be rpn function able re-set variables like marq-marquee, time_position,... dynamically in running VLC? I need to change marq-marquee with http intf for different broadcast elements.
Which OBJECT is marq-marquee variable child of? I am not able to find this.
Thank you