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Using Logo function for Scoreboard?

Posted: 17 Mar 2006 22:01
by Calder
Is the logo read only once at the start?

We will be capturing (stream to file and http) our hockey games with VLC, but I would LOVE to be able to add the score in the top left, either as an image or video overlay.. Would this be possible to do?

I could program the software that runs the scoreboard to save an .srt file or .png-image with times and scores and whatever I need. But I would need some sort of function or plugin to overlay the info on the saved/streamed file, and if I use image it would be nice to reload the image atleast once a second ...
Anybody up for some coding? Sadly my programming skills end at making the software for the scoreboard.

Thanks in advance!

Posted: 18 Mar 2006 10:27
by zorglub

Logos are only read at startup, at the moment.

I see that you propose using a ".srt" file, so I guess using some text would be OK for you. So, if it is really, you could use the "marq" filter which allows you to overlay some text, and to change this text on the fly (using a TCP connection, that could be made by your scoreboard soft).

So, basically, start vlc with --sub-filter marq -I rc --rc-host ":4242" and then, you could telnet to port 4242 and write

"marq-marquee 2-0" and VLC will display "2-0"

The marq filter has many options to position the text, change its style, ...

Posted: 18 Mar 2006 12:24
by Calder
Tried it a bit now using marquee.
I can get the marquee, but using command prompt start and telnet, I can't get the text to change...

I also can't save it to file with the marquee burned into the file, that would be great.

There are other programs that can be used (Adobe Premiere), but it would be nice to just use VLC to capture and add the score/gametime on the fly during the game.
That way the files would be all ready for upload once the game is over. Don't think that would be possible with Premiere.

Is it possible to write your own plugins or something for VLC (not saying I know how)?
If so, maybe a module for loading a background image for the scores (ie. Logo). Over that use either .srt or marquee to add: 1. Team 2. Score 3. Time of period and 4. Period. Maybe even over 2 lines, but 1 would suffice for now.
Last, get the image and text burned into the file or stream...

Would it be possible?

Thanks for the reply!! :-)

Posted: 18 Mar 2006 15:35
by dionoea
You can change the logo file in the rc interface (like the marquee text). That way you could update your "score" image.

Posted: 18 Mar 2006 18:12
by Calder
Tried that to... Well, atleast just having the logo there. But if I stream it to a file, and remember to turn logo of in the settings, there is no logo burned in to the file... Thats kind of what I'm after, might be doing it wrong though!
Anybody been able to burn in the logo? I can burn in subtitles by the way! ;-)

Posted: 18 Mar 2006 19:59
by dionoea
are you adding the sfilter=logo option in #transcode ?

Posted: 19 Mar 2006 00:19
by The DJ
it's soverlay=logo,marquee,etc

soverlay burns, sfilter adds subtitle tracks to the output.