Determine if VLC activex stops receiving video

Feature requests for VLC.
Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 17
Joined: 20 Dec 2005 12:04

Determine if VLC activex stops receiving video

Postby yogeshsarda » 19 Jan 2006 10:14

I was looking for ways to determine if the VLC activex stops receiving video.

Looking into libvlc.c, I realize that "Playing" property does not reflect the true state of VLC. It checks playlist state. So if user started playing some live stream and for some network problem, vlc stops receiving data but playlist state does not get updated and hence "Playing" would still return true.

In another case, where VLC is configured to get video from network, and that network address does not send any data. VLC gets into blocking state in AStreamPrebufferStream function of \input\stream.c.

I want to modify VLC so that "Playing" property gives the correct state but having troubles building vlc. Is it possible that this feature request would get processed in near future?


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