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Playing MRSS feeds

Posted: 08 Apr 2023 04:44
by AppTesterMC
Wondering if it is possible to modify "playlist/podcast.c" to parse media RSS format (MRSS) feeds

I think if someone is willing, Media RSS could be implemented since the specs "were" documented:

also I think a lot of VLC users will welcome the side-effect of supporting Youtube feeds (channels and playlists) as it was once described in

Re: Playing MRSS feeds

Posted: 10 Apr 2023 10:11
by Rémi Denis-Courmont
I doubt that the old YouTube API still works.

Re: Playing MRSS feeds

Posted: 21 Apr 2023 16:55
by JojoFreakboy
HM..Maybe it could work with API. I mean I was able to use the API for adding youtube to my Plex? I may not know much about it. I can attest to youtube working per the API. Granted, you could fill the grand canyon with what I don't know about coding :oops: , but just based on what I have managed to piece together with written instructions and my own trial and error, the Plex/youtube/API thing works. I'm still kinda working out why it works.. tbh. :idea: The directions I got from GitHub were just a matter of reading and doing them step by step. I would consult Github for possible workarounds or answers. They are generally pretty friendly and knowledgeable as far as what I have encountered. :geek: Those coders love to help us ignorant folk with issues. I have only been playing with my VLC beyond the basic "click play" as of last night while I sit with my torrents to affix to my Plex. As of late, I am finding myself getting lost in a multitude of related, but somehow separate rabbit holes that pull me toward more coding/python/RSS/well you get the point...If you find any solutions there at Github or elsewhere. please feel free to share your solution. I am avoiding the temptation of trying to add another rabbit hole to my collection. Kudos and good luck.

Re: Playing MRSS feeds

Posted: 24 Apr 2023 20:01
by AppTesterMC
I doubt that the old YouTube API still works.
Bonjour Rémi!
the mrss approach I am proposing is not based on api itself but just the format of xml response provided by the 'videos.xml' endpoint:

that accepts to my knowledge at least two inputs:

2. ?channel_id=HERE_GOES_THE_Channel_ID

you can check these xml responses below for example ... npILIIo9ek ... DtaHPlK-JA

Re: Playing MRSS feeds

Posted: 24 Apr 2023 20:13
by Rémi Denis-Courmont
You could write a patch, but supporting playlists and channels without supporting videos seems like putting the cart before the horse, to me.

Re: Playing MRSS feeds

Posted: 24 Apr 2023 20:33
by AppTesterMC
Thanks for the quick response! Well the video side of things is handled by "youtube.lua" or "youtube.luac". No?

Re: Playing MRSS feeds

Posted: 24 Apr 2023 21:17
by Rémi Denis-Courmont
...except when it is broken by a YouTube update, which it almost always is.

Re: Playing MRSS feeds

Posted: 25 Apr 2023 16:36
by AppTesterMC
I understand what you mean and I totally feel you.

Well at the end this is not your problem, it is the stupid youtube ... :-|
And there are already solution for people like *ytdlp* :wink: (don't quote me on that!)

Re: Playing MRSS feeds

Posted: 25 Apr 2023 17:04
by AppTesterMC
You could write a patch
Well here I need a little help to overcome an initial obstacle. I understand that the xml stucture proposed by iTunesRSS referenced in the code has a root node with tag "rss" THEN an empty child node, with tag "channel" and then start the children "title",''item"...etc..

But in the MRSS format the root node is "feed" and then there is no empty child node but the children are directly the "title", "entry", etc...

And I think this is handled in the xml reader part of vlc not in "playlist/podcast.c", If yes that require more changes than a simple "patch" , am I wrong?