Show flashing recording icon + recording time duration OSD when a recording is occurring

Feature requests for VLC.
Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 10
Joined: 07 Jan 2009 22:34

Show flashing recording icon + recording time duration OSD when a recording is occurring

Postby madmax2 » 27 Nov 2021 23:15

After pressing the record button, I would like a visual indicator on screen that it is currently recording the onscreen video..
like how the video camcorder shows a flashing recording icon OSD..
And also if you can add a recording duration timer onscreen would also be beneficial.

e.g. ... corder.jpg

This is much more better than the current subtle blue record button indicator..
which is so subtle it is easily to miss it from far away..
You also can't tell how long the recording duration has occurred/

Also there is no way to tell that a recording is occurring when we have Minimal Interface or Fullscreen Interface is enabled..

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