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Remove names of video files at start of play

Posted: 06 Sep 2021 22:47
by jakestanley
The only thing I don't like about VLC media player is how the names of every video file are posted on the screen for a few seconds when the file starts playing. This is especially annoying when I'm playing a lot of short video files in a row. Please remove this feature, or make an option to disable it in the settings.

Re: Remove names of video files at start of play

Posted: 07 Sep 2021 09:49
by Lotesdelere
If you're talking about the notification popup:
Menu Tools -> Preferences (Show settings = All) -> Interface -> Main interfaces -> Qt -> Show notification popup on track change
Turn if off, save then exit and restart VLC.

If you're talking about the title being displayed:
Menu Tools -> Preferences (Show settings = All) -> Video
Then on the right panel untick the "Show media title on video" option.
Save, exit and restart VLC.