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Open all Subdirectories

Posted: 19 Feb 2020 09:43
by wurzel1
I found some old discussions on different pages about the behaviour of of subdirectories. When I open My Music in the VLC Library, it shows me all the folders. To store my music I have an folder for each artists and inside a folder for the album. So every folder has the same chance to be selected at random and will then automatically be opened. When let's say ArtistX is selected, it opens only this folder, so then I have now the theoretical folders 2010 - AlbumX1 and 2020 - AlbumX2 in my playlist and it jumps to the next folder, until it finally opened an album and found audio files to play. And then I feel this audio files might have a higher chance to get picked, because it takes a long time until another album folder was opened and another artist is played. I hope I explained the process understandable.
I'm looking for some way to open all folders. Like mark everything and open with a right click the option to expand everything until the aufio files level, no matter if I have single Audio files in my Music folder, album folders or album folders within an artist folder or even all together.
Now my research showd, that theoretically this is already adressed by Advanced preferences -> Playlists -> Subdirectory behavious -> Expand.
But as for others, I could find no differences between selecting Expand or Collapse.
Could anyone help me with this little inconvenience?
Thanks ahead!

Re: Open all Subdirectories

Posted: 08 Apr 2020 03:02
by Jason77
Not sure if this helps your objective or not, but having found your post because I was having a similar issues, I found the following:
- set the Media Library to the root folder of all of my nested music files,
- in the same Advanced Preference area as you referenced, enable Use Media Library and Display Playlist Tree

After setting the config as above, the whole library became visible and active.

For what it's worth ...