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Flashing "Recording" option or anything that really shows you are now recording.

Posted: 29 Jun 2019 09:28
by Marengsen
Hi guys.

Been searching for this answer everywhere, even trying other VLC related forums, but no answer so far.

You see, we really like using VLC for a network camera streaming option, but to be honest the "Record" funtion is lacking some visuality.
Like, when you press "Record", the flat standard VLC button just looks a bit more flat, not very 3D'ish or anything telling you that you are now recording
a (network) video stream directly to the harddrive.

So a while back I tried to create our own custom skin, until I got to the button preferences, like what should this button be able to do when being clicked on? Didnt see a
"Record" option anywhere, only the common "play, stop, next track" etc - maybe I didnt search long enough, but I gave up in the end.

Do you guys know of a skin which sort makes it more visual when you are recording, like a flashing red border around the video-area or.. plugin that makes a red button flash somewhere.. well ANYTHING that makes recording more visible? I did try to move the buttons around in the VLC user interface where you can make the record button a bit bigger, but still nothing fancy.

THanks a lot :)
