An "on-demand" audio wave form display.

Feature requests for VLC.
New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 05 Mar 2019 12:36

An "on-demand" audio wave form display.

Postby I3ordo » 05 Mar 2019 12:44


I am using obs for recordings and VLC for checking out the recordings, i generally tend to skip through video and fequently use the "record" function of "VLC" to create a "trimmed version" of the clip.

However, there is one feature that sorely lacks in VLC.a simple "audio waveform" overlay which will definitely help me skip through the calm parts of the video.

If there was such a feature, i would manually send the "build audio peaks" command, wait for some seconds for it to be generated and overlayed upon the video. Ofc i would not want it baked on to the video if i were to use the "record" function of VLC.

If such feature is added to VLC, it would greatly "practicalize" the inspection of "user created content".

Thank you for your consideration.

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