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use radio-browser stream directory

Posted: 04 Apr 2018 13:28
by segleralex

i am the maintainer of
it would be cool if vlc would use this completely free and public domain directory as a source
for radio streams. it is a wiki like approach to collect online radio streams
documenation is at

is somebody interested in this?


Re: use radio-browser stream directory

Posted: 18 May 2019 16:35
by kelp
Yep, I am very much interested.. I like to be able to use VLC with radio-browser, this database is simply fantastic, I use it a lot, and I like to be able to browse the DB from VLC as well..

Re: use radio-browser stream directory

Posted: 12 Dec 2019 09:26
by csipetcsapat
I made a very simple service discovery plugin:

Code: Select all

--[[ radio-info lua script --]] require "simplexml" function descriptor() return { title="Radio-info" } end -- -- Main Function -- function main() local url = "" local tree = simplexml.parse_url(url) for _, result in ipairs( tree.children ) do simplexml.add_name_maps( result ){path = result.attributes["url"], title = result.attributes["name"], arturl = result.attributes["favicon"], description = result.attributes["country"], genre = result.attributes["tags"]}) end end
It is far from the ideal, it loads all stations (slow), but the radio streams work.

Re: use radio-browser stream directory

Posted: 29 Jun 2022 19:56
by djsoftware50
Please help, the script stopped working.

Re: use radio-browser stream directory

Posted: 07 Aug 2022 23:21
by mcarans
It would be fantastic if there were a radio-browser plugin with search and sorting by music type, country, format, bit rate etc. (and if the existing Icecast plugin added search and sorting by music type, country, format, bit rate).