Bluray - load cached BD+ tables
Posted: 10 Jan 2017 21:07
Currently libbdplus attempts to emulate the BD+ VM to create a conversion table convtab.bin. This only works for the first few versions of BD+ since it is constantly being updated
Therefore I have the following feature request:
Before trying to emulate the BD+ VM, libbdplus should first check if there is a cached conversion table available in %APPDATA%\bdplus\convtab\*disc_id*.bin and load this table instead. This would enable realtime playback of Bluray discs with BD+ for which a conversion table is available
Therefore I have the following feature request:
Before trying to emulate the BD+ VM, libbdplus should first check if there is a cached conversion table available in %APPDATA%\bdplus\convtab\*disc_id*.bin and load this table instead. This would enable realtime playback of Bluray discs with BD+ for which a conversion table is available