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VLC for Mobile (AppleTV) - audio delay feature

Posted: 14 Jan 2016 21:37
by kameraguy
Hi, Thank you to the VLC team for creating VLC for Apple TV. I am using it with the Apple TV gen4 and so far so good.

If I may suggest a feature, I hope you can consider implementing the audio delay function from VLC as that is extremely helpful. For example, when streaming a video file to Apple TV, while Apple TV sends audio to external bluetooth speakers. In this scenario, there is some delay due to transmission and processing which results in poor lip sync. I really love VLC for the ability to dial-in a negative audio delay to compensate. If possible, I would like to suggest the options to set a "default" audio delay value when a known delay is required, and then have a realtime onscreen pulldown to fine tune the delay during playback if needed. Maybe an option to retain the fine tuned adjustments for all files there-after, or per each file playback. But if the Apple TV is reset, the default delay value is retained.

I hope others will find this useful, and that we may be able to see this in a future update. Thank you again!