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LibVLC - Time synchronization

Posted: 13 Apr 2015 15:41
by ljIngo

I want to use libVLC and synchronize multiple instances. Currently I use libvlc_media_player_set_time(), but the seek takes different amounts of time, so I never get a good sync result. I don't want to use the netsync plugin but provide the functionality my own. I still saw that netsync uses input_ModifyPcrSystem(). I think that way it is able to avoid the problem with the delay. So I thought if libVLC would expose an interface to that method, I could use it to sync on a basis of milliseconds. Is it right that input_ModifyPcrSystem() takes the number of millisecond since the beginning of the media?
Since I synchronize on a timestamp (time when media would have been started from beginning for current position), I would want to use the absolute parameter.
Please correct me if any of my assumptions are wrong.

If the implementation is as easy as described, I would be able to do it, although I would have to setup a build environment. So I want to ask the developers to implement that if it's not taking too much time (and they believe it would be of common use ;) ).


Re: LibVLC - Time synchronization

Posted: 14 Apr 2015 23:28
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Did you look at ?

Re: LibVLC - Time synchronization

Posted: 15 Apr 2015 16:20
by ljIngo
syncplay shows the same behaviour. I want to have a synchronization similar to netsync e.g. to be able to make a wall. When I play HD videos, they often need different times to load/buffer. So when I seek to a time, the playback gets already out of sync while seeking. I thought that netsync avoids that problem by using that method. Am I right that it only works for small changes?

Re: LibVLC - Time synchronization

Posted: 16 Apr 2015 14:00
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Possibly, yes.

Re: LibVLC - Time synchronization

Posted: 13 Jul 2015 16:43
by west88
@liIngo did you succeed with synchronization ?