RTMP feature suggestion
Posted: 14 Mar 2015 21:19
I've noticed that while VLC player is able to receive some RTMP streams, RTMP is not one of the protocols I can pick when I stream out a video from VLC player. Currently the only software capable of streaming out RTMP is like Wowza and Adobe Media Server. These are large programs, and/or cost a lot of money. Configuring them is very difficult as I need to directly edit configuration files like XML files, etc. VLC player could be a solution to this problem, if VLC player could stream out an RTMP stream. So far, VLC player has easy to use configurations for the other protocols it can stream out (like RTP, RTSP, HTTP, UDP). If VLC player could stream out RTMP, that would be great. Both recorded streams (for playing video files) and live streams (for webcams) should be supported. There are free SWF files you can get like JW Player, which can be embedded on a webpage and act as the player for your RTMP streams, so they can be viewed in a web browser, not just another instance of VLC player. Please consider adding the ability to stream out RTMP as a feature in a (hopefully not to distant) future version of VLC player.