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A formal request for "Video Effects" Reset Button

Posted: 05 Aug 2012 05:32
by spection
First, thanks to all the extremely generous VLC coders and supporters!

I believe that providing a button (or the equivalent) to reset all the "Video Effects" settings on demand is more than just highly desirable, I think its absence is a strong disincentive against using VLC at all. There exist many millions (if not billions) of poorly or at least inconsistently color-adjusted videos out there that I find I absolutely must use the "Video Effects" adjustments for at least half of all the videos I've ever watched with VLC. But because of all those maddening color-adjustment variations, after adjusting the Video Effects for one video, those settings very frequently turn out to be extraordinarily terrible for the next! Yet usually it's almost impossible to change the settings to accommodate the next video, since the user simply cannot reset them to the default, neutral setting necessary to form a baseline for the new settings changes.

I've read some posts that claim that exiting and re-starting VLC does reset those settings, but that certainly doesn't work for me anymore starting with Windows version 2. For me, VLC always and extremely irritatingly retains the last custom Video Effects settings from the previous run, no matter what I try! It's true, of course, that disabling the "Image adjust" check box disables the color customizations, but once you enable that check box again for an off-color video, those custom settings are always retained from the previous run, no matter what. And that frustrates me to an extreme degree!

I realize that some users have asked specifically for VLC to do exactly what it does now: To retain all those settings permanently, no matter what. So I realize there's a conflict between those users and those of us who have asked for them to automatically reset to neutral. But clearly a reset button solves all of those conflicts: Press it if you want, don't press it if you don't.

Therefore, I formally request that this feature be included in new versions of VLC. Thank you.

Re: A formal request for "Video Effects" Reset Button

Posted: 20 May 2013 03:59
by ostrom
I agree 100%. The lack of an ability to reset is a show-stopper.

Re: A formal request for "Video Effects" Reset Button

Posted: 20 May 2013 04:18
by spection
Thanks, ostrom! We need MORE people to second this feature request.

I've regrettably had to switch away from VLC and use one of the scores of video players that have had such reset feature for years. How terribly disappointing! :-|

Re: A formal request for "Video Effects" Reset Button

Posted: 22 May 2013 11:53
by mederi
Perhaps "Effects and filters" profiles:
* VLC defaults
+ custom profiles (create/edit/delete)
Also an external profile for particular media file - principle similar to external subtitle file: to load "Effects and filters" configuration file together with media file or if loaded manually or dragged&dropped later during playback of media.

Re: A formal request for "Video Effects" Reset Button

Posted: 23 May 2013 23:59
by auralarch
... Therefore, I formally request that this feature be included in new versions of VLC. Thank you.
Yes! This would be very great and extremely useful. I don't use video effects nearly as much as I would (or I use other software) for this very reason.

And @spection: why not add a pole to this topic as a simple method to gain/gauge support for your proposal?

Re: A formal request for "Video Effects" Reset Button

Posted: 01 Jun 2013 08:15
by cnevel

This is a great request, I hope they give us a video effects reset button and custom profiles but there are workarounds.

You can reset preferences and reopen, but this resets all preferences.

You can go to all preferences, video, filters, image adjust and change the settings and reopen. Contrast, brightness, saturation and gamma should be 1.00, hue should be 0.00.

You could make any preference changes thet you want to keep and then make a copy of the "vlcrc" file. If you want to reset any changes made after that just replace the existing file with the saved file. A batch file could do this automatically.



Re: A formal request for "Video Effects" Reset Button

Posted: 07 Jun 2013 23:56
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf

Re: A formal request for "Video Effects" Reset Button

Posted: 25 Aug 2013 14:33
by mmortal03

This is a great request, I hope they give us a video effects reset button and custom profiles but there are workarounds.

You can reset preferences and reopen, but this resets all preferences.

You can go to all preferences, video, filters, image adjust and change the settings and reopen. Contrast, brightness, saturation and gamma should be 1.00, hue should be 0.00.

You could make any preference changes thet you want to keep and then make a copy of the "vlcrc" file. If you want to reset any changes made after that just replace the existing file with the saved file. A batch file could do this automatically.


Thanks, Cnevel, for providing the defaults here. This helped in a pinch. I also support a reset button, btw.

Re: A formal request for "Video Effects" Reset Button

Posted: 29 May 2014 08:23
by blahblahblahblahblah
VLC always and extremely irritatingly retains the last custom Video Effects settings from the previous run, no matter what I try!
Not only that but

(1) Having a reset button satisfies both kinds of user (the ones who want to reset, and the ones who don't), while the current status infuriates the former;

(2) VideoLAN is more or less the only program in existence that can't manage to do this. I don't just mean video players, I mean every software on earth, period.

I've used maybe 200 or 400 programs in my life that have settings that a person would want to quickly and easily return to defaults, and not once - ever - did I say "goddammit why is there no 'default' button?" You will never convince me that I'm a rare exception. It's simple math. Why do those hundreds of other programs all have reset buttons? Because they're simple and useful and people want them.

Re: A formal request for "Video Effects" Reset Button

Posted: 19 Sep 2014 20:52
by Metspitzer
If adding a reset button for video effects is too much trouble, please consider making the default position bars darker. I have found from another thread when the defaults should be, but having the bars marked would be an improvement.

Screenshot of default Video Effects.

Re: A formal request for "Video Effects" Reset Button

Posted: 21 Mar 2015 05:24
by MGP1962
Well, I have good news for anyone running Windows 7 or above. The entire process took me 3 minutes. Here's how.

If you have System Restore set to create regular restore points, (or even if you've created a Restore Point manually), your day is looking up. Here's all it took.



In case the images don't display (because they're not showing in Preview), here are the links to my Dropbox. ... ep%201.jpg ... ep%202.jpg

Good luck, everyone.

Re: A formal request for "Video Effects" Reset Button

Posted: 24 Mar 2015 19:27
by dotnetCarpenter
+1 for the "Video Effects" Reset Button

Re: A formal request for "Video Effects" Reset Button

Posted: 24 Mar 2015 20:06
by dotnetCarpenter
BTW the proper place for a feature request is here:
But discussions should be here.

Re: A formal request for "Video Effects" Reset Button

Posted: 16 May 2015 22:54
by cfl246tho
I basically agree with all this. It is an important topic. I could live with just about any solution that would facilitate restoring defaults (I don't consider having to refer to some external info about what the defaults are as a good solution). The button would be home run, but even a menu item would work, or as a minimum, as has been mentioned, clearly marking what the default positions are on the adjustment sliders. Anything to facilitate such a reset.

Re: A formal request for "Video Effects" Reset Button

Posted: 10 Jul 2018 13:42
by blackritus
Bugtracker Ticket was opened last year: