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Re: Remember position

Posted: 02 Oct 2012 21:15
by ZeroZero
thank you for your efforts.

I have now put a folder in the folder c:/program Filesx86/VideoLAN/Lua. This folder is called extensions. In the extensions folder there is a file called mempos.lua. The mempos.lua file is a text file ( relabelled with the coorect extension .lua)and this file contains the copied code

starting with the line

--- time.lua ---VLC extension --

etc etc..

After restarting VLC I go to the view menu and | can see:

Mininmal interface
Advanced controls (ticked)
Docked playlist (ticked)
Status bar
Add interface/ consol/telnet/web/debug logging/mousegestures

I dont think its working.

Re: Remember position

Posted: 02 Oct 2012 22:40
by blyst
I'm still a little unsure about your file location but lets just check the file itself.

You say you've tacked .lua on to the file name mempos, but If you double-click the file, does it launch as a text file or does a box pop up saying "Windows can't open this file"?

Re: Remember position

Posted: 03 Oct 2012 18:28
by ZeroZero
I have set the file uyp to open as a text file, but it does have a .lua extension. I might mention that I have done quite a bit of programming in the past. Could you check the exact location of your folder extensions (is it spelt extensions?) .
Could I trouble you to post your script here as an additional post, it may be the script I have is not the correct one for some obscure reason

many thanks for your time

Re: Remember position

Posted: 04 Oct 2012 07:47
by blyst
- sorry to hear you're still having trouble with this.

Yes the spelling of the folder is extensions

GIven that Swede has chosen to not publish his code here, I think it's best that you go back to his link for that.

Check for yourself that I have already described the location of the folder twice without inconsistency. The location is correct as written. As I've already mentioned, you could copy-paste the address from either of my two posts above directly into explorer's address field, which would completely eliminate any possible error while taking you directly to the required destination.

Something else for you to check:

Go to 'Start' and in the search bar type "show extensions".
UNCHECK 'hide extensions for known file types'.
Now have a look at your mempos file. If it reads 'mempos.lua' - that's fine.
If it reads 'mempos.lua.txt', then this is still a text file in which case you must eliminate the '.txt' to establish the correct extension.

- best of luck! - b

Re: Remember position

Posted: 04 Oct 2012 11:17
by mederi
ZeroZero, did you read my post at the top of this page here?
I put a link there you should follow.

Re: Remember position

Posted: 09 Oct 2012 16:03
by artemsen

Re: Remember position

Posted: 15 Oct 2012 19:57
by akatarmo
Hello, I have downloaded your plugin, but does not work for me. I use VLC media player version 2.0.3 Twoflower in my W7 x64.

I copied the file libsrpos_plugin.dll in the \plugins folder but I can not see the option to save/restore position in "Control panel interfaces (Interface-> Control interfaces)"

I'm about to switch to VLC, but only if I can have this feature, essential for my.

Any suggestion ?

Thanks !!!

Re: Remember position

Posted: 15 Oct 2012 23:08
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Did you install VLC for Win32?

Re: Remember position

Posted: 16 Oct 2012 21:11
by akatarmo
Hi, Jean-Baptiste.

Thanks for your reply. Yes, I tested x86 and x64 VLC versions. And x86 and x64 libsrpos_plugin.dll versions.

No luck, I can't see the "save/restore position" option :(

Re: Remember position

Posted: 16 Oct 2012 21:49
by mederi
Windows XP SP2
I can successfully activate the srpos-plugin (v0.1) in preferences, but it does not remember any position for me. Even new version 0.2 does not allow me to load any film in VLC. How does it suppose to work and where does it store the information about position?

Re: Remember position

Posted: 17 Dec 2012 09:24
by thirek
I too wish VLC had to option to remember where playback left off. I was just thinking this would be a nice feature to have especially when watching super long movies like lord of the rings extended edition (great movies, but so lengthy i always have to watch in multiple sessions). Looks like the community has been requesting this feature since 2009, now it's almost 2013 and still no progress in adding this feature to VLC? At least now I know i am not the only one waiting for it and I still love VLC.

I hope everybody on these forums has a safe and happy winter solstice. Cheers!

Re: Remember position

Posted: 20 Dec 2012 01:40
by rocky
i dont really get why this has 5 pages and its still not in there. many good media players have this featue, i mean VLC even has it semi implemented. you can manually save position and resume but only if the file is loaded! thats strange why not show the markers even if the file is not loaded. and why not implement a auto-resume?

Re: Remember position (plus settings)

Posted: 02 Jan 2013 22:11
by spamll
I would also like the added feature of remembering all the "Effects and Filters" settings such as Brightness, Color, Contrast, Saturation, etc. (actually, all 3 tabs: Audio Effects, Video Effects, Synchronization) saved in a text file named after the original file (for easy backup and sorting) plus the word " settings" appended after it. For example:

Original video file name: The Leopard.mp4
Settings save file name: The Leopard settings.txt
In addition to remembering the file and position in the file, it should also remember all of the other pertinent settings that were changed whilst watching - like window size and position, volume, subtitle files, subtitle and audio delay settings, etc. - so you don't have to repeat them all again on restart. Not sure if all of these settings are in one easy to access spot or not, but should or could be made to be.

Re: Remember position (plus settings)

Posted: 13 Jan 2013 16:35
by edwardw
Original video file name: The Leopard.mp4
Settings save file name: The Leopard settings.txt
No. I do not think VLC should go around leaving droppings behind. Not only is this a privacy issue, it wouldn't work on any type of read-only media.

Re: Remember position

Posted: 13 Jan 2013 18:58
by Dirkk
May be is a good replacement . You can easily add bookmarks and it should remember the last position.

Re: Remember position (plus settings)

Posted: 17 Jan 2013 10:05
by Libra
Original video file name: The Leopard.mp4
Settings save file name: The Leopard settings.txt
No. I do not think VLC should go around leaving droppings behind. Not only is this a privacy issue, it wouldn't work on any type of read-only media.
Indeed. What could be done instead is storing the last 10 played video files positions in a unique file in the user profile. And if the user profile isn't private enough, the files names could be hashed by sha-1 or something like that.

Re: Remember position

Posted: 29 Jan 2013 05:24
by iamse7en
This is absurd. Even every simple iOS app remembers the play position. This is a real pain in the ass to have to find exactly where I left off in a long movie file. Grow some balls you developers.

Re: Remember position

Posted: 13 Feb 2013 22:33
by scientificswede
Checkout this script, might work better: viewtopic.php?f=29&t=108388

Re: Remember position

Posted: 11 Apr 2013 04:43
by sirwilliam
I thought this would have been implemented long ago. I have been waiting for it. Desiring to do it once again and being unable to find any settings for it, I went to the internet to find that it is still not an option.
I have now registered just to voice my opinion to add this capability to VLC media player. Thank you.
Mac OSX Mountain Lion - VLC 2.0.5 Twoflower

Re: Remember position

Posted: 13 Apr 2013 22:04
by aitte
i dont really get why this has 5 pages and its still not in there. many good media players have this featue, i mean VLC even has it semi implemented. you can manually save position and resume but only if the file is loaded! thats strange why not show the markers even if the file is not loaded. and why not implement a auto-resume?
yes the bookmarks feature exists and you can save positions but they are stangely only showing up for the current loaded file. so maybe code this feature based on that. first change the bookmarks system so bookmarks show up for all files. build a think storing a bootmark with every second for every file that is played, limit this for the last 5 open file or something so the bookmarks not get to bloated. then there should be a great list of bookmarks with a "auto" prefix or something in the bookmarks list aviable for up. now this would be ready to implement the feature everybody wants on top of this. on vlc start load the latest created bookmark automatically.

What do you think about this concept? I had issues with the lua script posted 100times in this thread. I would code this myself but I can't i am a php programmer have no idea of c/c++.

so my reaquest would be improve the bookmarks feature as well. makes not really sense to have only the bookmarks for the current playing file showed. image a web browser showing only the bookmarks for the current page you are on ;)

Re: Remember position

Posted: 16 May 2013 14:30
by Doctor Moriarty
Yes!!! New version (0.2) of this plugin just works.

My OS - Win7 x64, VLC - 2.0.6. I just exactly follow the instructions in the archive:


In the VLC-settings you now have the option to "remember the position":


And she really remembered.

Thanks, artemsen! :D


Maybe developers should include this plugin in the official VLC-package? :roll:

Re: Remember position

Posted: 24 May 2013 01:51
by auralarch
The plugin mentioned above is great! Good suggestion above to distribute it with the installer...

However, it doesn't do any good if you're running VLC on a Mac...

It would be nice if this feature would be officially added to VLC! It was supposed to have been incorporated into VLC starting with version 1.1, but there was clearly some setback or complication that arose (or possibly a loss/lack of motivation) since there is clearly NO lack of interest for this feature among the users. It seems the posts & traffic this thread has received clearly demonstrate that!

Any of the developers have any news they'd care to share about this feature- whether it is still planned to implement this, or some other news this? That would be much appreciated.

Thank you!

Re: Remember position

Posted: 17 Sep 2013 10:32
by isamu
Yes!!! New version (0.2) of this plugin just works.

Maybe developers should include this plugin in the official VLC-package? :roll:
This plugin does not work on dvds. Is there an alternative that actually works when playing dvds?

Re: Remember position

Posted: 17 Sep 2013 10:50
by isamu
I wrote a plugin that does exactly this. The one annoying thing with it is that you have to manually activate it from the menu every time you start VLC. I also couldn't login to the Extensions site for some reason so here's the link to my blog where it's posted: ... h-lua.html
Thanks so much for this LUA script dude. It seems to work OK even with the one dvd I've tried so far. We'll see about other dvds....

Re: Remember position

Posted: 20 Sep 2013 17:45
by dante157
support the idea that this function is incorporated directly in vlc without installing any Lugin
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