Kind of a newbie here but have a more engineering related request for VLC that fits right in here. VLC displays the playback time of the video but the smallest unit displayed is seconds. Would like to use VLC for determining time of different machine functions and nice to be able to frame step to accurately mark a spot in a video, but some of the things we do we need a display of ms (milliseconds). Is there any way to change the format of VLC to display the time scale more accurately?
Installed the Jump to Time extension and that can display the time of the playback in the 00:00:00,000 format which displays accurate time to 3 decimal places (milliseconds). Kind of crazy that an extension can show down to the millisecond where you are stopped in a playback but can't find a way to display this actively on the VLC screen. Can actively show frame count with Time v3.2 but that doesn't display playback time.
From this thread it appears there is a lot of desire to have frame count and accurate time actively displayed during playback. Any way to achieve that or someone add that as an extension???? Please? Pretty please..... :O/