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Posted: 25 May 2007 17:49
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
I can't wait to have one player to test it.

Posted: 27 May 2007 12:07
by MetalheadGautham
I can't wait to have one player to test it.
as of now, that "one player" will be worth as much as a good PC. I guess being understaffed and relying on donations must be a problem that makes you cry out loud :cry:

:idea: why don't you borrow a friend's XBox HD DVD Drive or something?

Posted: 28 May 2007 09:13
by MetalheadGautham
and I guess now we also have laptops shipping with these. all you need is to woo some prospective buyer to buy one of those, and borrow it for a day or two.

Re: Support for HD-DVD and BlueRay disc movies

Posted: 15 Jan 2008 12:34
by stevebow
Is there any update on when/if VLC will play back HD-DVD and Blu-Ray discs?


Re: Support for HD-DVD and BlueRay disc movies

Posted: 15 Jan 2008 14:43
by VLC_help
AFAIK there isn't support for menu systems of neither format and there isn't system to decode AACS or BD+ encryptions. In theory video files can be played but Dolby Digital +, DTS Master and Dolby TrueHD audios aren't supported yet and subtitles aren't supported either. So if you want to watch, remove CP stuff and use tsremux to create ts files which you can watch (VC-1 might be little problematic). Proper HD DVD or Blu-ray support will take at least an another year unless some hero does his/her magic tricks.

Re: Support for HD-DVD and BlueRay disc movies

Posted: 17 Jan 2008 13:44
by stevebow
Damn, what a shame. I do have PowerDVD bundled with my PC (as much as I loath it) and I suppose I could purchase AnyDVD to get around the lack of HDCP support in my monitor (as much as I loath HDCP even further), but I would much prefer VLC. :D Oh well, guess I will just have to be patient.

Re: Support for HD-DVD and BlueRay disc movies

Posted: 19 Mar 2008 18:05
by DGMurdockIII
whats the latest word on this?

Re: Support for HD-DVD and BlueRay disc movies

Posted: 20 Mar 2008 17:13
by VLC_help
whats the latest word on this?

Re: Support for HD-DVD and BlueRay disc movies

Posted: 26 Mar 2008 00:03
by SiliconDragon
What's needed to add Blu-Ray features, especially BD support? Is it just a lack of devs? If so, let me know what's needed and I'll see if I can help.


Re: Support for HD-DVD and BlueRay disc movies

Posted: 26 Mar 2008 00:40
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
yes, lack of dev and material is the main cause.

Re: Support for HD-DVD and BlueRay disc movies

Posted: 26 Mar 2008 18:11
by VLC_help
AFAIK problematic parts are Blu-ray subtitles, menus, missing BD-J implementation, missing Blu-ray AACS decoder and stuff like that. Playing video and audio (excluding Dolby+, DTS Master Lossless and Dolby TrueHD) should at least in theory work. But it is going to take ages to get 100% Blu-ray support (even Profile 1.1 might out of reaches for next few years).

Re: Support for HD-DVD and BlueRay disc movies

Posted: 26 Mar 2008 18:22
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Well, even some audio/video isn't correctly decoded.

Re: Support for HD-DVD and BlueRay disc movies

Posted: 27 Mar 2008 16:23
by SiliconDragon
yes, lack of dev and material is the main cause.
Bummer! I can help with the dev work, but not having any HD devices limits what I can do, but I'm still willing to help in any way I can. I'm on various Windows platforms, but my code's usually OS-agnostic. I'm primarily a C/C++ coder, if that helps, assembler only when necessary. ;)

Re: Support for HD-DVD and BlueRay disc movies

Posted: 27 Mar 2008 18:31
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Compile VLC and come and discuss with us.

Re: Support for HD-DVD and BlueRay disc movies

Posted: 31 Jul 2011 02:14
by TheBigTime001
If I ever upgrade from my crappy old desktop(circa 2005-2006) :? , I was hoping to get a BD-ROM drive for the new computer and just download the FB of 1.2.0, or the NB of whatever 1.2.x version was out. However, it seems like this horrid lack of Blu-Ray support would prevent this from being a feasible solution, as I don't want to have to pay USD $100 or more for something like PowerDVD. :( I noticed you implement libblurray, which gives you some basic capabilities in that department. :) I suggest that one of those users who is so over-eager to get BD support but won't do anything about it make like DVD John and become the next BD hacker. :wink: I no NOTHING about C/C++, some shell scripting, although very limited, so I'm afraid I can't help there. But I would be perfectly happy to test these NBs that I hope will have these advanced features by then. :D I'll let you know when I can do testing. I'm happy to help in any way I can, which just happens to be this way.

Re: Support for HD-DVD and BlueRay disc movies

Posted: 31 Jul 2011 16:53
by VLC_help
Blu-ray specs are way more complicated than DVD specs, so comparing them isn't really nice :D

Re: Support for HD-DVD and BlueRay disc movies

Posted: 01 Aug 2011 01:22
by TheBigTime001
I didn't mean to offend anyone with the DVD Jack reference;I was just referring to the fact that BDs aren't hacked yet, and like DVD John, they need to do key-pairing for BDs. Hope this clears that up. Also mentioned PowerDVD 'cause a lot of people on this thread say it plays BDs. :-)

Re: Support for HD-DVD and BlueRay disc movies

Posted: 05 Aug 2011 11:50

Re: Support for HD-DVD and BlueRay disc movies

Posted: 12 Aug 2011 17:27
by TheBigTime001
Well, I hope J-B and the rest of the dev team can look at the source code behind these Ubuntu features and find the sections that deal w/the decoding and access. Knowing how awesome their programming skills are, it shouldn't be very hard at all for them. :D Maybe 'cause your so awesome, these features can quickly be sneaked into the NBs of 1.2.1 or 1.2.2 . Yes,, this is very inspiring, and I hope that it inspires the VLC dev team to do this. I think you just gave them the final step they need. :wink: Now, VLC developers, you've got the necessary clues, so let's do this!!! :D