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Posted: 18 Jun 2007 12:17
by jockyw2001
Sorry for bogging, but are there any UPnP server functionalities planned?

Re: UPnP AV support

Posted: 02 Aug 2007 16:57
by Rasfunk
I am also interested in an UPnP AV Streaming Server feature, and I'd like to work on an implementation (if there is none).

Before I start, I'd like to know where a UPnP AV Server should be placed. Is it another "vod server", and therefore related to the RTSP server implementation? Or should a new VLM media type be included (vod, broadcast, upnp)?

Thanks for answers,


Re: UPnP AV support

Posted: 06 Nov 2008 02:02
by an3k
yes, upnp is required! please also try to meet dlna specification, perhaps with setting presets selectable/editable by the user?!

thanks for the good work and keep working!

Re: UPnP AV support

Posted: 14 Nov 2008 15:25
by ivoire
A Google Summer of Code was done about an upnp server and client for VLC. We hope this work to be merged soon. In the beest case, it will be for the 1.0 ...

Re: UPnP AV support

Posted: 02 Dec 2009 01:13
by MaxyDawg
December '09...
Guess we can forget best case, it's already 1.0.3...