S. Support for Custom file icon(s) and icon packages in VLC (much like using skins)
Eventually VLC will get some nice official set of icons to fulfill. Current VLC has no file icons at all which Is what I've been pushing for in lot's of responses to in the QT4 thread. However many times I have found beautiful, sometimes licenced file icons on design sites. Sometimes these icons are for per file type (.mp3, .avi etc) or sometimes there are for file type groupings (all audio, all video etc). So how about a feature accessible in the Preferences under 'interface'>'Skins' to let us custom select/control which icons we associate with files VLC can play. This feature can be much like selecting & using skins. On Windows you can manually assign icons but doing this individually for every file tpye is just not worth the time and also if VLC get's deleted and supported extension removed then that can cause annoying problem.
Nevertheless I still would like to see VLC have official file icons with the releases first!
mock up image made from vlc-1.1.0-git-20090629-2203-win32
the 'Apply' button will be the main link to explorer.exe on Windows
* As seen in mock-up this feature would best integrate with File Associations setup as a feature beneath it, since not many users will use this feature at all.
*Support for full enabling and disabling of this just like using the skins. A tickbox separate from the Apply button.
*Icon Director file - A simple special extension (like example .vlcic) which would be a editable text based file could be planted in the folder of the icons .ico, .dll or .icl , .icns -be a requirement of the user to do. This special file will dictate to VLC>OS which icons are assigned to which filetype(s);
example 1: iconA.ico to be assigned to all VLC audio |
example 2: iconA.ico to instead be assigned to only custom defined filetypes like .mp3 , .wma , .flac in a vertical text list.
No need for case-sensitivity, no need to add the dot (.) prefix per filetype i without the need to addby just entering
*Icon Director file - Users can just plainly have a folder of .ico files and with creating/editting this text file with the extension or whatever then these .ico files in the folder can become used syetem wide. Any icons made or downloaded by creators. Used by user for private use.
*Last folder opened should be remembered, like regular open dialog. Otherwise a list feature can be added where the icon director file(s) are added to making it nicer for cross-folder loading of file icons and easy frequent swicthing of different file icon(s) or icon packages.
*Possibly but less important - A special image preview of what icons would look like just like the new skins preview image all in the preferences>interface. This will be useable by icon package author's who want to make a small preview image to be read and displayed. This part is less necessary due to the fact that many users would already know the look of the icons they're applying.
T. Setup File Associations needs a more clearer interface window, like the foobar2000 example posted in another thread
*I will draw a nice looking mock up image and later post it here, it would suit VLC*
Thanks for the visually clearer bigger button for the file associations I see in 1.1 nighties