Proxy support for all protocols

Feature requests for VLC.
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Proxy support for all protocols

Postby faina » 21 Aug 2006 08:21

Dear all

I would like to use the VLC player through my proxy server. I tried to play the following file


with VLC and with Windows Media Player however only with Windows media player I succeed. The problem, I think, is in the proxy setting. It seams (but I'm not sure) that only HTTP protocol is not supported by the VLC proxy. I ask to extend the proxy support for all protocols HTTP, as well as MMS TCP, and RTSP

Thank you

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Postby zorglub » 22 Aug 2006 11:43

For RTSP at least, it might be a bit hard, as it uses non-HTTP requests.

But, for both MMS-TCP and RTSP, you could use the Socks proxy, which at the moment is not configured at the same place than the HTTP proxy. It's directly in the "Input/Codecs" category, you need to turn advanced on.
Clément Stenac

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Postby robc » 23 Aug 2006 04:02

For RTSP at least, it might be a bit hard, as it uses non-HTTP requests.
RTSP can certainly be rather easily done, the only major requirement is that a) the destination RTSP server can send data through to the original client (for UDP data streams, this is trival to configure - and indeed for the network configuration where the RTSP server is behind a NAT firewall, it should work seamlessly for TCP data streams also), b) the destination RTSP server must support the destination field within the Transport header and c) the RTSP proxy must modify the Transport field to incorporate a destination field specifying the client IP address. I would note that I have submitted a patch to the VLC developers list previously to implement b) but it have not made it into the codebase.

If there is sufficient interest I can resubmit the patch referenced above, although the RTSP proxy implementation which I have written cannot be released as it has been developed under commercial contract.

The DJ
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Postby The DJ » 23 Aug 2006 22:25

Please resubmit. sometimes things just get lost i guess.
Don't use PMs for support questions.

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