support of the format .mpc ?

Feature requests for VLC.

support of the format .mpc ?

Postby Seden » 22 Mar 2006 19:43

mpc stand for a MPEG2 video formated codec (MPC is also named Mpeg Plus and MP+).

Currently i have only found Winamp who is able to open this format (using a certain plugin btw) so should this format be readed by VLC ?

You are doing a trully good job with that project, keep up the motivation !
Le MPC est basé sur le format vidéo MPEG 2, c'est pour cela qu'il est également appelé Mpeg Plus ou MP+. C'est un format destructeur qui permet de créer des fichiers audio d'excellente qualité (qualité bien supérieure au MP3 ou Ogg Vorbis).

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Postby zorglub » 22 Mar 2006 21:54


If you are talking about MusePack, it should be playable by VLC (since version 0.8.4).
Clément Stenac

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Postby seden » 25 Mar 2006 01:39

Etrange, j'ai la version 0.8.4 et VLC ne parvient pas a lire les fichiers, ils ne sont pas reconnus par le lecteur, que ce soit en les lancants via playlist, les choississant depuis le dossier d'origine ou les ouvrir depuis VLC.

Strange, i use the 0.8.4 version of VLC and i cant read the files, seems they arent recognized by the player, either launching them using the playlist, choosing them from their origin folder or opening them from VLC.

Ok, just tryed with the freshly downloaded version 0.8.5 test 1 and got this (very basic) report :
Unable to open 'F:\musique\!Pop\Aime Mann\Aimee Mann - Whatever\01 - I Should've Known.mpc'
Unable to open 'F:\musique\!Pop\Aime Mann\Aimee Mann - Whatever\02 - Fifty Years After The Fair.mpc'
Unable to open 'F:\musique\!Pop\Aime Mann\Aimee Mann - Whatever\03 - 4th Of July.mpc'
Unable to open 'F:\musique\!Pop\Aime Mann\Aimee Mann - Whatever\04 - Could've Been Anyone.mpc'
Unable to open 'F:\musique\!Pop\Aime Mann\Aimee Mann - Whatever\05 - Put Me On Top.mpc'
Unable to open 'F:\musique\!Pop\Aime Mann\Aimee Mann - Whatever\06 - Stupid Thing.mpc'
Unable to open 'F:\musique\!Pop\Aime Mann\Aimee Mann - Whatever\07 - Say Anything.mpc'
Unable to open 'F:\musique\!Pop\Aime Mann\Aimee Mann - Whatever\08 - Jacob Marley's Chain.mpc'
Unable to open 'F:\musique\!Pop\Aime Mann\Aimee Mann - Whatever\09 - Mr. Harris.mpc'
Unable to open 'F:\musique\!Pop\Aime Mann\Aimee Mann - Whatever\10 - I Could Hurt You Now.mpc'
Unable to open 'F:\musique\!Pop\Aime Mann\Aimee Mann - Whatever\11 - I Know There's A Word.mpc'
Unable to open 'F:\musique\!Pop\Aime Mann\Aimee Mann - Whatever\12 - I've Had It.mpc'
Unable to open 'F:\musique\!Pop\Aime Mann\Aimee Mann - Whatever\13 - Way Back When.mpc'
I will see with another files encoded to the .mpc format, maybe its my files who are in cause..


Postby Bravo » 28 Mar 2006 15:24

I had the same problem that I wasn't able to open .mpc under 0.8.4 in Windows, but it was all solved by using a beta, (I had the nightly build 0.8.5-test1-20060323-0001)


Postby Galova » 19 Apr 2006 08:26

I got MacOSX 10.2
and I didn't manage to play mpc files using 0.8.4a verstion.....
It simply doesn't play anything, though it opens file and even does something when I click Play button... just there's no sound and playing position ruler simply jumps from left to right within a second....
I have no cue.. What's wrong with it?

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