VNC Client input support (like screen://)

Feature requests for VLC.

VNC Client input support (like screen://)

Postby Non-developer » 19 Jan 2006 17:02

Hi to all developers,

I like to propose a new virtual access module very similar to the screen capture: the VNC client. The source code in "modules/access/screen" seems to be a simple framebuffer capture process using polling. With the free LibVNCServer library ( it's very easy to implement a VNC client and read the framebuffer in a similar way that the current screen module.

With this new module you'll do:

Code: Select all

$vlc vnc:// --server=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX -port=XXXX --fps:XX
Advantages over screen-capture:

1) The encoder machine can be different to the one that has exported the display (more speed!).

2) Several "accelerated" VNC capture drivers exist for fast video capture (more fps!)

Anyone agree to implement this?


Re: screen:// capture

Postby Coadey » 26 Jan 2006 17:11

As is, the "screen://" module of VLC 0.8.4a has only been able to sustain 2.8 FPS on my Quad-core G5 2.5ghz, at 640x480, and about 1 FPS at 800x600 on my WinXP Pentium4 3ghz.

I've tried modifying the "Screen Cache" value, and "Frame Rate" of the module, but without much change. The screen capture module seems to be single-threaded and CPU bound?

Other software, such as AppleVNCServer (aka Remote Desktop), and Snapz Pro (screen video capture), can capture 640x480 at more than 30 fps. However, neither can output to streaming video.

Are you saying there are "accelerated" VNC screen capture drivers out there, that would make "screen://" useable? :)

Any tips appreciated. I'd love to know if someone's getting a useable FPS (15+) out of "screen://", even at just 640x480.


Postby Non-developer » 26 Jan 2006 18:01


The problem with the VideoLAN code for screen:// is that it's very slow, because it's using a technique for "screen snapshots". Any VNC server is capturing the screen with VERY HIGH FRAMERATE. You can try it with a local LAN.

The solution is add a new input module, like screen://, but using the RDP protocol of the VNC. The VLC in this case will be an "input only" VNC CLIENT. The framerate in this case will determined by the speed of your VNC SERVER, not by the VideoLAN.

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Re: VNC Client input support (like screen://)

Postby CadErik » 13 Mar 2006 21:38

Hi to all developers,

I like to propose a new virtual access module very similar to the screen capture: the VNC client. The source code in "modules/access/screen" seems to be a simple framebuffer capture process using polling. With the free LibVNCServer library ( it's very easy to implement a VNC client and read the framebuffer in a similar way that the current screen module.

With this new module you'll do:

Code: Select all

$vlc vnc:// --server=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX -port=XXXX --fps:XX
Advantages over screen-capture:

1) The encoder machine can be different to the one that has exported the display (more speed!).

2) Several "accelerated" VNC capture drivers exist for fast video capture (more fps!)

Anyone agree to implement this?
This would be soooo nice! The screen module has been that far quite unstable for me. Maybe I'll take a look at the sources...


Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Postby petgun » 14 Mar 2006 18:41

i second that request...would be very nice!



Re: VNC Client input support (like screen://)

Postby xyz » 05 Apr 2006 10:42



Postby ptitmartin » 19 Apr 2006 18:01


i would like to know how to develop a vnc input for vlc. Is it possible? and Is it difficult to do?

New Cone
New Cone
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Re: VNC Client input support (like screen://)

Postby krische » 19 Feb 2013 07:05

I found this via a google search, and it seems like this feature request died off. Any chance to revive this and get some support for it? I would really like this feature.

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