Near Video On Demand with VideoLan server

Feature requests for VLC.
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Near Video On Demand with VideoLan server

Postby pscaffardi » 03 Dec 2003 09:09

I think this feature should be very useful...

...Near-VideoOnDemand (NVoD) is playing continuosly the same film on several channels with a starting time offset of about 30 minutes.

To do this in VLS, we need timers (cyclic or not) to start playing movies/files at needed time and so on.

Every timer should launch a simple command like 'play ....'.

So, it's not so hard to implement, isn't?
Paolo Scaffardi

Cone that earned his stripes
Cone that earned his stripes
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Postby BigBen » 03 Dec 2003 14:34

Well, this function part of one of our projects called manager... (hope we'll finish it one day ;-)

in the meantime, a simple netcat on the telnet interface, in the cron (or usinf atd) should do the trick...

VideoLAN Team

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