Option to set a small delay after pressing play/pause etc

Feature requests for VLC.
New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 6
Joined: 21 Sep 2023 19:13

Option to set a small delay after pressing play/pause etc

Postby james0001 » 21 Sep 2023 19:37

Dear whoever reads this,

In recent times the internet has become so fast that people seem to have forgotten some basic things.
There is such a thing as 'too fast'.

VLC is a video-playing programme. It is great because it is rational, simple and doesn't try to make the user its puppet.

I use VLC to stream Youtube videos, for example, because I cannot STAAAAAND the Youtube interface. They keep adding more and more and more and more and more 'functionality' until you are overwhelmed. A particular annoyance is 'hover' functions. Moving my mouse around most webpages is like walking across a minefield nowadays as I try to avoid the nightmare of accidentally committing the crime or 'hovering' the cursor over something, at which point my mind, body and soul are raped, via my eyeballs, by some misguided developer's idea of providing 'FUNKSHONALLITTEEEEE'.

Let me put it this way: when I look around my bedroom and my eyes fall on something, say, a drawer, that does not mean I want the drawer opened!!!!! THAT is what it is like nowadays using websites!!!!

I digress... my point is this: along with trying to force unsolicited HELP down people's throats, developers seem now to think that it is GREAT STUFF to make everything INSTAN-****ING-TANEOUS!

In short I DON'T want the thing I am interacting with to start doing what I asked it to do BEFORE my finger has left the button I pressed to activate it! It is the equivalent of an animal you are trying to feed trying to bite, or maybe succeeding in biting, one's hand off!

Think back to the old days of VCR....

You would press a physical button and the machine would whirr a bit and you'd get a chance to have your hand back and even gather yourself before the video began... oh sweet pre-internet bliss....

Well what I am suggesting is the option to insert a little break between pressing play/pause/rewind etc. and the action being performed.

I DO NOT, I repeat, I DO NOT LIKE the video starting the very nanosecond my finger depresses the space bar, or the very nanosecond my finger presses my mousebutton. It actually feels invasive!

PLEASE OH PLEASE give the option to insert a delay, like the good old days, between button-pressing and action-commencing. The speed of everything these days is literally TOO FAST and it is stressful. Please consider this suggestion seriously and act on it you lovely VLC developers.
Many thanks.. :)


New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 6
Joined: 21 Sep 2023 19:13

Re: Option to set a small delay after pressing play/pause etc

Postby james0001 » 29 Mar 2024 00:16

Why is no one addressing this?

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