Track Synchronization - Please fix

Feature requests for VLC.
New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 3
Joined: 15 Aug 2022 13:37

Track Synchronization - Please fix

Postby 420HIT » 15 Aug 2022 14:22

Dear VLC. Is this the right place or is VideoLAN different to VLC. if so i apologize, if it is then yay

Such a well designed media player. I only have 1 suggestion. Not everyone is aware of the delay in audio with Bluetooth devices, now you have a great way to fix this using your Track Synchronization.

Can you please create an "Apply" button.

So the change can be made permanent. i have read your FAQs and it seems that most people are crying about their audio being 0.5 seconds out of sync not knowing that its their audio setup whether it is Bluetooth delay, or something else. Having the ability to fix this is a "godsend" And well done, it must have taken a lot of coding i imagine, but i am the kind of man that loves to create a massive viewing list, and all i ask is that there is a better interface on the track synchronization option. May i suggest the Apply button, along with further options such as "for this track only", "for this playlist only", "until program is closed", and "permanent" If this is the right place, and if i get good feedback and the changes are made then i will be super happy, feel listened to, and inclined to donate to your cause.

Once again, fantastic app, none can compare, i mean 200% volume, , genius, there are so many ways to adjust everything, its amazing. and i hope my advice can contribute to the intricate abilities of the app, and i hope in time to help further, especially in the "tools" department.

Kind regards Brendon "420HIT"

New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 3
Joined: 15 Aug 2022 13:37

Re: Track Synchronization - Please fix

Postby 420HIT » 01 Sep 2022 15:33


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