We have a video feed at my place of work where we are using a dedicated video player to playback a .ts file. That file has 2 video streams/sources and 4 audio streams/sources. What I would like to have the ability to do is open the .ts file on a computer and have the file playback on 2 dedicated outputs from a single videocard. So for example, open the file. Have once video source go to one projector, and have the other source go to another. As far as the audio, I believe there is already a drop down menu that can select the audio stream that we want to listen to so I believe that functionality is fine as of the moment.
I have already tried to play the file in the current VLC version. The file plays correctly, but I am unable to play both of the video streams at the same time, I am only able to select one or the other.
If anyone has any input, or has someway to get this to work without having to implement it as a new feature, or even if they know if VideoLAN offers a different piece of software that can perform this function already fill free to let me know.