Possibility to control rotation of Ambisonics by OSC

Feature requests for VLC.
New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 22 Jul 2020 10:03

Possibility to control rotation of Ambisonics by OSC

Postby bossesand » 03 Sep 2020 09:21

As VLC supports 16 channel third order Ambisonics and Sofa files I see a opportunity to create headtracked binaural listening in a simple way.

That is to add the feature to control the listening direction with a simple headtracker that sends osc messages over wifi to the VLC player.

I suggest the OSC quaternions message for used by

Iistening to port 9000 or localy configureablewould be ideal,
My suggestion is to use a osc decoding library from
http://opensoundcontrol.org/cnmat-softw ... -downloads
To simplify the OSC decoding.

This is something that is missing on the "market".

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