Playlist total length using start-time and stop-time

Feature requests for VLC.
New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 24 Feb 2015 21:46

Playlist total length using start-time and stop-time

Postby glolo3 » 24 Feb 2015 21:56


Could it be possible to compute the right playlist total duration when it uses #EXTVLCOPT:start-time= and or #EXTVLCOPT:stop-time= tags?


New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 15 May 2019 23:32

Re: Playlist total length using start-time and stop-time

Postby mekondelta » 21 May 2019 22:32

+1 for this. The duration column uses the full length of the media file but if you're only playing snippets using start-time and stop-time then the duration column is just plain wrong.

I raised a bug for this but it was rejected:-

If the sacred Duration column is perfect then maybe a new optional column called 'Playtime' could be added to the playlist table to show the 'real' times?

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