I would like to be able to know the fileid of the current active playlist.
I would also need to be able to programtically have access to that fileid. This would mean the implementation could be in any of the following ways:
1. Add the FULL playlist path to the Name of the window in the CAPTION BAR (title bar). For example, change the window title from "Playlist" to "Playlist - C:\Users\yourname\documents...". (Preserving the word "Playlist" would be VERY important, so one could identify this window as a playlist. It's very easy to "grab" the playlist window title and get the fileid. (I use AutoHotkey).
2. When using the "SAVE Playlist to file..." function of the MEDIA dropdown menu, add the current playlist's full path to the "file name" field.
Ooops. I now see that the current fileid is the top entry of the "file name" drop down menu!!! Well, I would still like to see number 1 above !!! It took me too long to "figure out" this. And, I still think #1 would be nice to see when viewing the playlist.
This really only amounts to me wanting to automate RESAVING the current playlist. So, what might be nice also is: ADD A RESAVE CURRENT PLAYLIST function to the Media dropdown selection.
thanks. Joe P.