Feature Request: Save Relative Path in playlist

Feature requests for VLC.
New Cone
New Cone
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Feature Request: Save Relative Path in playlist

Postby Zaaphod » 02 Mar 2015 13:38

When saving a playlist, it's saving an absolute path, it would be much better if this was a relative path. People do not keep their music in stationary locations, and absolute paths make the playlists useless if files are moved to another location.

If I load all the tracks from L:\audio\atrist1\album1 into a playlist and save that playlist under L:\audio\artist1\album1 right now the playlist looks like this:
#EXTINF:220,Artist1 - Album1 - Song1
L:\Audio\Artist1\Album Folder\Artist1 - Album1 - Song1.mp3
#EXTINF:173,Artist1 - Album1 - Song2
L:\Audio\Artist1\Album Folder\Artist1 - Album1 - Song2.mp3

it SHOULD be doing this:
#EXTINF:220,Artist1 - Album1 - Song1
Artist1 - Album1 - Song1.mp3
#EXTINF:173,Artist1 - Album1 - Song2
Artist1 - Album1 - Song2.mp3

If I save it in the L:\audio\artist1 folder then it should save it like this:
#EXTINF:220,Artist1 - Album1 - Song1
Album Folder\Artist1 - Album1 - Song1.mp3
#EXTINF:173,Artist1 - Album1 - Song2
Album Folder\Artist1 - Album1 - Song2.mp3

The only time the drive letter should be included is if it's saved on a different drive. This way if copy this entire directory to another computer, or to an external drive or whatever, and then try to play the playlist, it will still work! Absolute paths are NEVER needed, while relative paths are much more useful is all or part of the files are ever relocated.

Another reason to stay clear of absolute paths is... Network access.. if you have hard coded drive letters in your playlists, and then you try to open these playlists over a network, then you are just SOL. However if they are RELATIVE paths, then everything is great, and it can find the files and load them.

People end up with thousands of playlists, and their music library ALWAYS outlasts their computers and storage medium, remember, the only guarantee with ANY hard drive is that it WILL FAIL.. All hard drives fail, all computers become obsolete, so eventually everything is going to be moved to new computers and new hard drives, and when that happens, none of their absolute playlists are going to work anymore.

Also, when loading a playlist, it would be great if you ignored the delimiter and just use what is needed for the operating system... So if you saved the above playlist on a windows machine then go to play it on a Linux machine, just change the \ to / and everything would load and play just fine.... and if you see a / in windows just use \ instead and everything is fine.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: Feature Request: Save Relative Path in playlist

Postby joefiesta » 28 Mar 2018 15:30

I resolve this problem when on my home network as follows:

1. Create playlist (on "master" or main computer)
2. On another computer, use MAP NETWORK DRIVE to access the drive the playlist is on AS THE SAME DRIVE LETTER as it was on the "master" computer. (Yes, this will probably mean NOT putting the play list on the master computer on it's C drive.)
3. Play the playlist.... No problems.

Of course, this requires Windows. I can't speak of any other OS.

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