Scene Filter File Naming

Feature requests for VLC.
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Scene Filter File Naming

Postby twoll » 12 Aug 2017 16:47

Is there a way (maybe using system variables) to incorporate the system date/time into the file name when using the Scene filter?

I am doing "frame dumps" of multiple videos. The scene filter is working well, but with a "fixed" file name prefix every time a new video starts, VLC overwrites the JPGs that were just dumped from the previous video.
What I'm left with are the jpgs from the last video played.

Right now I'm having to run videos through the scene filter one at a time, batch rename all the JPGs, then load and play the next video. It's very time consuming.

It would be great if the scene filter had an option to start the file name with the current date/time (at least to the second) then suffix that with the frame number. That way multiple videos could be played through the scene filter, saved to the same folder, and you'd never have a duplicate filename issue.

Option 2 would be to create a new folder named after the name of the video file you're playing.


Kirby Krieger
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Re: Scene Filter File Naming

Postby Kirby Krieger » 05 Jan 2018 04:52

I just stumbled over the same rock. Anyone? Thanks.

If I have more than one video run in sequence, the frame-captures created by the scene filter are over-written.

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Scene Filter File Naming

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 15 Jan 2018 10:45

--scene-prefix is not enough?
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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