Playlist Features

Feature requests for VLC.

Playlist Features

Postby Ricardos » 13 Nov 2005 05:19

Hi there Love using VLC to play all my movies but i've been finding some things a little anoying since the implementation of the Playlist feature.
Firstly it's anoying that when I open my movies folder into the playlist it starts playing the first video in the list since there is only a slight posibility that I would want to see this video I think this should be changed to just playing nothing.
Secondly I think it would be good if the player could remeber the contents of the playlist so that every time i open up vlc i don't have to load it in again.
The only other thing that comes to mind is RealPlayer support but it isn't essential at the moment.

Richard King

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Postby dionoea » 15 Nov 2005 01:04

these ideas are in our todo list for 0.8.5 :)
Antoine Cellerier
(Please do not use private messages for support questions)


Maybe a different format for the deafult playlist?

Postby laflaf » 11 Dec 2005 14:36

As I'm using .M3U & .PLS for Winamp, a private (& simple) format for the playlist would be appreciated. A playlist file that will fire VLC and play it content easily.


Postby Lolo_1er » 13 Dec 2005 23:39


I would like to see a language "pre selection" in the playlist features.
I'm not sure that my English will be correct so I'll write it also in French.

I have ripped several episode of **Stay polite ** and the city, in BivX, in French and English, and I would like to see all the episodes in English.
Maybe, it would be perfect to see also the subtitles pre selection. :wink:

J'aimerai trouver une preselection de la langue lorsque l'on réalise une playlist.
J'ai rippé une saison de **Stay polite ** and the city, en BivX, en Français et en Anglais, et j'aimerai pouvoir programmer la langue des épisodes avant de lancer la lecture de la playlist.



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Postby zorglub » 14 Dec 2005 10:30


This option is available, but hidden

In preferences, go to "Input/Codecs" -> General. You have a "audio language" box, just enter "fr" inside, and it should work, if your audio tracks are correctly tagged. If they are not, check "advanced options" and enter a number in "audio track"
Clément Stenac


Postby Lolo_1er » 14 Dec 2005 19:32

Merci Zorglub

Cependant je trouve que cela pourrait être plus explicite ;)

novice user

drag & drop

Postby novice user » 17 Dec 2005 20:10

First of all, VLC is an amazing program.

But what amazes me the most is how it has all these really advanced options, yet it the playlist cannot be organized by using drag and drop.

I was using vlc 0.8.1, which at least had the Up and Down buttons to organize the playlist, but then I upgraded to 0.8.4 where that capability was actually removed.

Maybe I'm missing something, or just don't know where the option to allow for manually organizing the playlist is. Either way, please, please, (I think it's Clément Stenac (aka zorglub) that works with the playlist) add playlist management capability to the next version.

Or if I'm being ignorant twat, I would greatly appreciate it if someone were to point me in the right direction on how to do this with the version I have, or if I can download a patch or plugin to allow for this sort of feature.

-thank you. :)


Playlist Sort Options

Postby asc3nti0n » 27 Dec 2005 13:39

Ditto above N00b, I mean, Novice
There seems to be a lack of sort functions in the Playlist, dragging a directory of media files to the playlist and them being partially in the order of selection in the previous directory, but then the inability to move a couple of files to the bottom is infuriating.

Simili to MS Word Art, have a "Send Forward", "Send to Front", "Send Backwards", "Send to Back", "Align Top" (read: Sort Alpha), Align Bottom (read: Align Anti-Alpha), "Align Middle" (ok, more abstract; but read: Randomise".... [note: to those that think using an MS app as an example is blasphemy, we might as well steal the few worthwhile bits]

As many key combinations as I have tried, and as incomplete the Documentation and Wiki is (not a flame, i know what it's like) the Up and Down *seem* to have been removed from those old versions.

I note somewhere in the forums here that the playlist in for changes in 0.8.5, so lets hold our breath, you're all doing a great job.

Hey, i'm a Cynical Aussie. ;)

Enjoy guys and gals.

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sorting playlist workaround

Postby airdrummer » 25 Jan 2006 13:15

it's really easy to edit the playlist, since it's a plain text file...i've had to do that to make the filepaths relative.

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Playlist Item Atributes

Postby TheFlynn » 03 Feb 2006 04:02

I usually edit my playlists in Winamp and impliment them later with VLC.

It would be nice under several circumstances to impliment preferences associated with different playlist items. For example, sone file wants specific subtitles, while another wants a graphic overlay, and another needs a text message, and one more has to be played in mono of has no sound. It would be pretty cool to be able to specify preferences to be associated with the playlist maybe stored in a metadata file associated with the parent media file, but it may be better if it could be kept in the playlist somehow.

Just an idea...

Lovin the VLC!

~Chris Flynn


Re: drag & drop

Postby HisPetsMaster » 09 Feb 2006 08:40

First of all, VLC is an amazing program.

But what amazes me the most is how it has all these really advanced options, yet it the playlist cannot be organized by using drag and drop.

I was using vlc 0.8.1, which at least had the Up and Down buttons to organize the playlist, but then I upgraded to 0.8.4 where that capability was actually removed.

Maybe I'm missing something, or just don't know where the option to allow for manually organizing the playlist is. Either way, please, please, (I think it's Clément Stenac (aka zorglub) that works with the playlist) add playlist management capability to the next version.

Or if I'm being ignorant twat, I would greatly appreciate it if someone were to point me in the right direction on how to do this with the version I have, or if I can download a patch or plugin to allow for this sort of feature.

-thank you. :)
I fully agree with you, regardless of "being able to edit" a playlist, it is infuriating to have to do this in an inefficient way, for this reason alone I went back to 0.8.1. I hope this feature is added soon because to be honest managing the playlist, especially when working with large amount of files is absolutly important. I rather a player with less capability in reading different formats and more managebility in how it handles the files I watch/listen to. Fact is if I didn't have a way to go back to 0.8.1 I would have gone back to winamp. I rather manage codecs than deal with this extreamly annoying playlist crippleing.

Otherwise your player is tops, but... I will wait for my playlist managing before upgrading again.


playlist features

Postby PluX » 09 Feb 2006 23:13

First of all i'd like to say that VideoLan is THE best videoplayer available (like anyone here doesn't know) and i use it whenever i can.

The only thing really (REALLY) bugging me about videolan is as beforementioned the playlist management features. It might be my
own incompetence but i am not able to move files around in the playlist, instead i have to put the files in the playlist one by one in the order i want them to be, if that changes all files need to be individually entered in the playlist again.

One thing i havent seen mentioned, but bugging me alot is the fact that its not possible to drag a selection over the files to select multiple playlist entries at once (i know i could use CTRL+A, SHIFT-arrow up/down or CTRL-Click, but thats so dam inefficient).
Also i think the shuffle and repeat functions (and the likes) by default should be set by the button on the playlist and remain so upon restart of the program, my player kept repeating the list after restart, and it took me a while to find the checkbox for it in the preferences.

So basically the feature i am missing the most is an option to drag a selection over playlisted files (as to delete a entire row of files out of the list) and the ability to move around files within the playlist independantly.
actually i think if VLC added a Winamp style playlist feature it would become the ONLY choice for a videoplayer on ANY system.

(clearly i agree with the fact that playlisting features can make or break a program, however in the case of VLC it still ROX! (two horns up!!))


Postby BlaxLash » 19 Feb 2006 13:29

I as well did the downgrade to 0.8.1, just because of the missing Up and Down buttons. F.Y.I., I just looked at the roadmap and was sorry to find out that it didn't add this feature in 0.8.5, since it wasn't in the feature freeze. Guess we have to wait for 0.8.6 and hope this feature will be added then.


Missing playlist sorting features (from 0.8.1 onwards)

Postby playlist_sorting_a_must » 04 May 2006 15:13

as many commented before me: the loss of the up & down button to sort playlists is why i stayed at 0.8.1 and is dramatically lessening my VLC use.

I do very much aprreciate the work of the developers, they surely created a great player regarding the format features, but removing these buttons has really CRIPPLED VLC.

even more annoying than the actual fact is the disappointment this decision leaves me at because it's so absurd, close to removing the PLAY-button in a player i think.

why is random sorting then supported ? i could just as well write a script like: when booted, look at my disk, pick a random mp3-format-file and play it. the whole point of a special player app really fades to nothing when not being able to sort the files of its playlist as codecs, file reading and outputting sound are OS-features.

why why why ?

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Postby dionoea » 04 May 2006 23:17

The new playlist tree format transition was kind of long. The new version of VLC (0.8.5) lets you sort the playlist item with drag and drop.
Antoine Cellerier
(Please do not use private messages for support questions)

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