Would it be possible to add an option (maybe to "All settings" view) to not drop the LFE (sub channel) from 5.1 and 7.1 audio tracks?
As I did some testing, VLC doesn't downmix the subwoofer channel (LFE) to Stereo, and has no option to do so. So it only downmixes 5.0 or 7.0. Wasn't this part of some old Dolby standard that LFE is dropped on downmixes? Now there is not even an advanced option of doing it, and I think it would be good for people who know their 2.0 speakers / headphones can handle the LFE channel's low frequencies too.
If someone with stereo speakers/headphones wants to test what I mean, here are some 5.1 tracks that you can play in your browser: https://www2.iis.fraunhofer.de/AAC/multichannel.html
In your browser it most likely will play a low rumble when the LFE channel is played (if your Windows audio format and settings are correct that is). You can also download these files from the site, and play them on VLC. You won't hear the same rumble as with your browser, because the LFE channel isn't on the downmix.
I tested this by fiddling with a lot of VLC settings and even trying a portable clean version, and the results are the same. If it's supposed to be downmixed, and this is not done by purpose - feel free to move this thread to Problems or something.