Keeping track of where you have got up to

Feature requests for VLC.
Rod Speed
New Cone
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Keeping track of where you have got up to

Postby Rod Speed » 14 Oct 2014 01:20

The only thing that stops me using VLC for all media playing is that it does not keep track of where you have got up to when playing media files, so you can't watch part of something, and then come back to it later and continue watching where you stopped watching previously. This is available with almost all ebook readers but with very few media players and is very useful indeed.

Rod Speed
New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 4
Joined: 14 Oct 2014 01:13

Re: Keeping track of where you have got up to

Postby Rod Speed » 14 Oct 2014 01:47

I think its best if that is done automatically with every file that is exited before the end is reached and that when it is played again, it automatically starts playing again where you left off last time. Maybe with that second behavior configurable in the settings for those who don't want to see that sort of behavior.

Not clear where its best to keep that data and how long it should be kept for either.

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