Support ratDVD-Files

Feature requests for VLC.

Support ratDVD-Files

Postby Riccardo » 01 Oct 2005 15:54

Well, I used the "Search" - function looking for others asking this question.

But - I think the situation has changed.

There is a a new release

They guys at ratDVD showed how to integrate ratDVDs in Media Player Classic (MPC).

There are only some lines of code to change - they say.

Please look here

Please try to integrate ratDVD too VLC!

Especially since Windows Media Player 10 can do that right from the beginning.

Best Regards


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Postby robUx4 » 01 Oct 2005 19:21

It will only work in DirectShow players. Let the guy release documentation...

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Postby vflashd » 03 Oct 2005 12:10

It will only work in DirectShow players. Let the guy release documentation...
What's the problem with DirectShow? Isn't VLC using DirectShow to play back WMV?

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Postby The DJ » 03 Oct 2005 16:01

No, it's using dshow to DECODE WMV, not to display it. The whole ratDVD system is based around DirectShow modules which all do various tasks.
Don't use PMs for support questions.

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Postby vflashd » 04 Oct 2005 08:53

No, it's using dshow to DECODE WMV, not to display it. The whole ratDVD system is based around DirectShow modules which all do various tasks.
I am not sure what you mean. When I drop a ratdvd file into graphedit I see a navigator/splitter and decode filter. Same as WMV. Displaying is done by WMV and ratdvd by the same renderer filter.

So what are the additional modules you are talking about? Why can't VLC do what so many other players are doing?


Postby Guest » 04 Oct 2005 13:55

you searched first huh?;
viewtopic.php?t=10086 <= read this one first

Basically two things are lacking; first of all not ALL source code has been released for RatDVD, secondly it's too dependent on DirectShow:
PS! I agree that RatDVD is currently in violation of the GPL license as its using code from GPL'ed project but not opened up it's own code!

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Postby vflashd » 04 Oct 2005 19:10

Yes, I searched... and found that actually many people would like to see VLC support ratdvd…

But I wanted to know was what the problem with VLC is. The two things you are mentioning can't be the problem because again, WMV is not open source and I am sure it is as least as much dependent on DirectShow – and still WMV is supported!

Regarding GPL, if you would have taken the time to look yourself you would have found the complete source code of the DVD Navigation PlugIn (the DVDNavExt.exe) used by ratdvd on the homepage. Don’t you read the threads you post?

Anyway, it seems for now I have to stay with MPC. But I am still hoping that VLC fixes its probelms and will be able to support ratdvd some time in the future – it would be nice to have one player for all important formats.


Postby Guest » 05 Oct 2005 16:03

Regarding GPL, if you would have taken the time to look yourself you would have found the complete source code of the DVD Navigation PlugIn (the DVDNavExt.exe) used by ratdvd on the homepage. Don’t you read the threads you post?
yes I've read the posts but you obviously haven't read the GPL, yes RatDVD released complete source code of theie 'DVD-navigation plugin' (ie. the modified libdvdnav) and that would have been enough if libdvdnav was licensed under LGPL (Lesser GPL) but it's not, libdvdnav is licensed under GPL. You see GPL meants that if you include code from a GPL'ed software/code in your own software then you must release the full source code of your whole software and not just the part of a library that uses GPL'ed code, (however if you include code from a LGPL'ed software/code in your own software then you must only release any modified source code for just the part of a library that the LGPL'ed code is in).

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Postby vflashd » 05 Oct 2005 19:08

So you are saying that a program which uses a plug-in which is GPL must be GPL itself? That would be cool because this would make basically every program that uses codec plug-ins like XviD, x264 essentially open source… let’s go and tell Microsoft they have to open the source for the Media Player… but unfortunately you are not right (especially in case of ratdvd where the plug-in is a separate executable).

Actually I doubt that you really read and understood the GPL license. Your statements are just too wrong for that. But you can convince me by letting me know which section of the GPL license you refer to. Maybe I am missing something…


Postby Guest » 06 Oct 2005 14:23

libdvdnav isn't a "plugin" in RatDVD, RatDVD can't function without libdvdnav (a plugin is some extra feature that the main project does not depend on), just delete the DLL and see if you can use RatDVD, you won't be able to. (The RatDVD developers made it a DLL for the sole reason that they thought they didn't have to obide by the GPL by doing so, and to a laymans eyes it might look like that but not to a progammer which you clearly are not).

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Postby vflashd » 06 Oct 2005 16:36

Have you ever used ratdvd? Because you can absolutely use it without the navigation plug in – the installation even asks if you want to install it or not.

Neither converting DVDs to ratdvd nor converting from ratdvd to DVD is any problem without it. The only thing that is limited is the playback functionality – but here again I fail to see the difference to a codec plug in for a media player.

How do you know that it was made "a DLL for the sole reason that they thought they didn't have to obide by the GPL"? Is this just your personal conspiracy theory or how do you come to say things like that?

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