I Got Many Tamil Subtitles But Its Not Working In VLCMP 2.0.3.
I Could not find Tamil & Telugu Language Encoding in Subtitles & OSD Settings
There Are Many Subtitles are released on these languages But No use In VLC
Thanks sccy, It really works...Problems with srt encoding? I have set my vlc default encoding to UTF-8 and the font as "Arial Unicode MS". Whenever I see problems like this, I just change the srt file into UTF-8 encoding... Personally, I think that's more of a srt file problem rather than a vlc player problem.
Sorry, I don't know any Tamil and I am not sure what the cause is. Have you tried another different font?Thanks sccy, It really works...Problems with srt encoding? I have set my vlc default encoding to UTF-8 and the font as "Arial Unicode MS". Whenever I see problems like this, I just change the srt file into UTF-8 encoding... Personally, I think that's more of a srt file problem rather than a vlc player problem.
I changed Font to 'Arial Unicode MS' and srt file is already in UTF-8, But the subtitle fonts i mean Tamil alphabets are not exactly the same in player it displays Different Strange shape of alphabet than i open and see it in txt/wordpad
For example: original word is அது but it shows
Code: Select all
00:00:00,000 --> 00:03:03,000
Code: Select all
[Script Info]
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Dialogue: 0,0:00:00.00,0:03:03.00,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,அது
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